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Box 1; University Senate Materials [Executive Committee Chair]; 1996-99; 9A-H-3A


Contains 1 Result:

University Senate, 1906 - 1999

 Sub-Group — Multiple Containers
Abstract Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; University Senate: Enabling Act and Bylaws [bound]; [1A-C-1C] [1A-C-Shelf 1] Reference SectionEnabling Act and Bylaws of the New University Senate of Miami University, February 13, 1987, c.1 and c.2BinderSecretary of the University/Governance/Reports; University Senate: Committees and Task Forces; 1924-86; Box 1 [9A-G-5B]! Files: 1. Academic Advising at Miami University, Recommendations Concerning. Special Task...
Dates: 1906 - 1999