Land Materials, 1798 - 1995
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Miami Lands Materials; 1798-1995; Box 1 [12A-K-1A] Contents 1. James McBride, "Field Notes Description of Corners of Miami College Lands"(1810) [Notebook] 2. Miami College Land Sales (1810-14) [Ledger] 3. "Table showing the Acres in each Lot-price per acre. Rent of Lot and when the same was leased"(1810-1914) [Notebook, Cover Title-"Index to Ledger" 4. "List of Leases made out for lots and lands sold by the Miami University and delivered to the Treasurer" (1830-1902)[Notebook] 5. "A Record of Plots and Maps of Sub-divisions of Lots belonging to Miami University"(1842-1917)[Notebook] 6. Land Map of Oxford a. Land Map of Oxford (1875) [copy] b. Land Map of Oxford (no date) Given Academic Advisors Seminar 1975 7. Completed Land Contracts/Receipts (1877-1952) 8. "Oxford Village. Renumbering of Lots" (March 12, 1894)[Rolled notebook] 9. "Record of Land and Property Purchases of Miami University in Area South of Spring Street" (June 1, 1913-August 1, 1929) 10. Correspondence re, Land Surveys. Rentals, and Purchases (1919-54) 11. Correspondence re. Conwell Land Transactions (1922-27, and undated) 12. "College Lands" Tax Case Materials (1929-50) 13. Land Contracts a. Charles Walters, Last Will and Testament, 1833 b. John and Ilinerva Clough, Asahel Clough, Indenture, 28 Feb 1840 c. Abraham York, Thomas King, Secretary's Office, Miami University, 1843 d. Senica Foster , John Doty, Secretary's Office, Miami University 1843 e. John and Elizabeth Doty, John McChenney, Indenture Oct 1844 f. John Smith, John Kenwood, Secretary's Office Miami University 1846 g. Aslahel and Meateble Clough, James Martin, Indenture, 1850 h. William and Irma Swan, Peter McBride, Indenture 8 Feb 1851 i. James Martin, Philip Styrle, Deed Jan 1853 j. Lucinda Brarn, James Adams, Warranty Deed April 5 1860 k. William Johnson, Subdivision of Land,1860 l. Elias and Ann Elizabeth Humler, Charles Billings, Warranty Deed, 1863 m. A A Phillips (Sheriff), Charles Soehuer, Deed, 1863 n. William and Emma Irwin, C.G. Goodrich, Warranty Deed, 1864 o. Charles F and Eliza Jane Billings, F Schleunig, Warranty Deed, June 1864 p. Daniel and Maria Irvine, Lucinda Huffman, Warranty Deed, 1867 q. Roswell Heazeltine and Wife, Warranty Deed, 1868 r. Joshua and Elizabeth Davis, Mary Jane Burrell, Warranty Deed,1874 s. William Ducket, Eliza Ducket. Quit Claim Deed, 1877 t. Rollen and Mary Clark, Enoc Ross, Warranty Deed, 1884 u. Eliza Douglas, Mary Patterson, Quit Claim Deed, 1884 v. Mary Patterson, Isaiah Douglas, Warranty Deed, 1885 w. Laura Duke, William Duke, Warranty Deed, 1889 x. Margaret Meyers, 1904 14. Directory of Miami University Land and Two and a Half Sections of Deeded Oxford Township Land Located in Oxford, Milford and Hanover Townships, Butler County, Ohio. n.p. 1938 [Call # Archives LD/3241/ .M49b/1938] 15. James Leland Petry. "Wendel v. Hughes, et al. A study of the Miami University land question in Oxford Township. Submitted for Economics 430." (May 6, 1941) 16. "Land Rents Cash Book (June 1947-June 1951) [Notebook] 17. "Land Rents Transfers No. I" (October 13, 1949-June 6, 1951)[Notebook] 18. Materials re. Aaron Jones Family and Lands (1970) 19. End of Land Rent - News Clips (1979, 1995) 20. Copies of Lease Forms (n.d.) 21. "Plat of Original Entry of Lands for the Miami University" (n.d.) 22. Typescript of laws dealing with University Lands (n.d.). 23. The Land Rent System Users Maual, David Kaiser, Programmer/Analyst 24. New Land Rent Collection procedure correspondence (April 22, 1955)
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Miami Lands Materials; 1798-1940; Box 2 [12A-K-1B] Contents: 1. "Miami Land Office" (1798)[xerox copy] 2. Land Conveyance Document, John Dayton to John Reeve (1799)[xerox copy] a. Land Purchase Document, George Crane (September 7, 1810) b. Land Purchase Document, Daniel Newcomb (April 14, 1813) 3. Receipts of the Treasurer of the Miami University Filed in the Office of the Secretary . . . (1810, 1811, 1812) 4. Receipts of the Treasurer of the Miami University Filed in the Office of the Secretary . . . (1813, 1814, 1815) 5. Receipts of the Treasurer of the Miami University Filed in the Office of the Secretary . . . (1816, 1817, 1818) 6. Receipts of the Treasurer of the Miami University Filed in the Office of the Secretary . . . (1819) a. "Conditions of the Sale of Miami College Lands" (August 1810) 7. College Township Land Sale Records (1810, 1815) 8. College Township Land Sale Records (1816) 9. College Township Land Sale Records (1817, 1818) 10. College Township Land Sale Records (1822) 11. College Township Land Sale Records (1823) 12. College Township Land Sale Records (1824) 13. College Township Land Sale Records (1825) 14. College Township Land Sale Records (1826, 1827) 15. College Township Land Sale Records (n.d.) a. Indenture document for Roseph Reddick, William Wasson, Jr., and Grover Laird (April 27, 1828) 16. Land Lease Document for James Ratcliff (1831) a. Land Lease Document for Neill Primrose (June 10, 1835) 17. University Land Plots sketched by Joel Collins (1851-52)/Record of Rooms Let in North and South Dorms (1862-74)/"Lot No. 5 in Section No.23 as subdivided by Abner Stilson" and "Stephen Minor Surveyor" [notebook] a. E Lane vs. Miami University (1854)[Testimony of Joel Collins in land case] 18. Rent Book (1871) 19. Rent Book (1872) 20. Rent Book (1873) 21. Rent Book (1874) 22. Rent Book (1875) 23. Rent Book (1876) 24. Rent Book (1878) 25. Materials re. sale of In-Lots 121-22, corner of High and College Streets, to Standard Oil (1940) 26. "An abstract of the title of 'The President and Trustees of the Miami University . . . ' re. In-Lot No.28, etc. Records of transfers as late as the 1880s. (n.d.). 27.Assorted Land Documents (1856-88) S. Kidd
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Miami Lands Materials; 1798-1995; Box 3 [12A-M-2A] Land Rent Payment Records, 1955-56
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Miami Lands Materials; 1954-1955; Box 4 [12A-K-1C] Land Rent Record Cards, 1954-55
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Land Rents Ledger; 1851-93 [I]; Box 5; [12A-M-3A] Ledger 1851-63 Ledger 1864-79 Ledger 1862-93
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Land Rents Ledger [Bound]; 1941-52; Box 6; [12A-M-3B] Ledger 1941-48 [II] (cover marked "1942-48") Ledger 1949-52 (2 copies with index by serial number) Ledger 1951-52 [Supplement]
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Land Rents Ledgers; 1825-56; Box 7; [12A-M-4A] Ledger 1825-34 (Also includes records of general transactions) Ledger 1838-56 Ledger 1834-44 Ledger 1844-50
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Land Rents Ledger 1931-48; Box 8; [12A-M-4B] Ledger 1931-40 [I] and [II] Ledger 1941-48 [I]
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Land Rents Compilation Ledgers; 1846-1902; Box 9; [12A-N-2B] Ledger E 1846-56; Includes Index Ledger 1857-74 Ledger G 1857-73; Includes Index Ledger H, I, J 1874-1902; Includes Index
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Land Rents Ledgers; 1810-27; Box 10; [12A-N-2A] Ledger 1810-19 (Includes general land transactions) Ledger 1810-24 (Includes general land transactions) Ledger 1819-25 Ledger 1819-27
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Land Rents Compilation Ledgers; 1810-1913; Box 11 [12A-N-3A] Compilation Ledger 1902-1912 Commpilation Ledger 1902-1916 Ledger Journal 1810-1819 Ledger 1893-1913
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Land Rents Ledger 1880-1907; Box 12; [12A-N-3B] Reciept Record 1880-1891 Ledger 1889 [I] Ledger 1891-1907 [I]
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Land Rents Compilation Ledger [Bound]; 1810-25 [11A-N-Shelf 1] Oversized! Land Rent Refords, 181-=1825 Compilation Ledger A Land Rent Records 1825-1842 Compilation Ledger B
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Land Rents Compilation Ledger [Bound]; 1825-24 Ledger B; includes Index
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Land Rents Compilation Ledger [Bound]; 1840-56 [11A-N-Shelf 1] Oversized! Ledger C; Compilation Includes Index
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Land Rents Compilation Ledger [Bound]; 1902-12 [11A-N-Shelf 4]
Land Rent Records Compilation, 1902-1912
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Land Rents Compilation Ledger [Bound]; 1902-12 [11A-N-Shelf 4] Oversized Ledger 2; Includes Index.
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Land Rents Ledgers 1914-30; Box 13; [12A-O-2A] Ledger 1914-20 [I] Ledger 1919-30 (Cover says "1922-30") Ledger 1919-30
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Land Rents Ledger [Bound]; 1919-30 [I]? Cover says "1922-30"
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Land Rents Ledger [Bound]; 1919-30 [II]?
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Land Rents Ledger [Bound]; 1953-54?
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Land Rents Ledger [Bound]; 1953-56? With Index by serial number
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Schedule of Lots: Oxford Village, In and Out Lots; College Corner Includes record of lot subdivisions and rent payment dates?
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Schedule of Lots: Oxford Village, In and Out Lots; College Corner Includes record of lot subdivisions and rent payment dates?
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Record of Surveys, Lot Owners, Divisions OwIncludes detailed records of lot subdivisions Land Rent Records 1846-1902 Compilation Ledger [11A-N-Shelf 3] Oversized Land Rent Records 1810-1827 [11A-N-Shelf 3] Oversized Land Rent Records 1889-1907 [11A-N-Shelf 4] Oversized Land Rent Records 1880-1891 Receipts Land Rent Records 1913-1930 Land Rent Records 1893-1913 Journal 1810-1891 Land Rent Records 1914-30 [11A-O-Shelf 3] Oversized
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Record of Leases by Lot; 1810-1935 Includes detailed records of lot subdivisions Land Rent Records 1846-1902 Compilation Ledger [11A-N-Shelf 3] Oversized Land Rent Records 1810-1827 [11A-N-Shelf 3] Oversized Land Rent Records 1889-1907, Land Rent Records 1880-1891 Receipts [11A-N-Shelf 4] Oversized Land Rent Records 1893-1913, [11A-N-Shelf 4] Oversized Journal 1810-1819 [11A-N-Shelf 4] Land Rent Records compilaton 1902-1912 and 1902-1916
Finance and Business; Deeds; Property Deeds: Note This information sent to the Miami University Office of General Counsel, June 2019
Finance and Business; Land Materials; Contracts, Construction Files, Land Rent Payment Records; 1960-1989; Box 1 [12A-K-2A]
Contents: inter-office memorandum pertaing to the acquisiton of funds for additions and projects: drawings of proposed plans; estimates of costs and timelines; contractor and contract information, estimates for project costs; guidelines
1. Withrow and Phillips Locker Rooms
2. Withrow Court - Equipment Issue Room
3. Warfield Renovation
4. Communications Building
5. Heating Plant Replacement - Phase II
6. Heating Plant Replacement - Phase II
7. Kuempel Company
8. Ice Arena Renovation
9. Mosler Hall Elevator
10. Physical Education Building - Hamilton Campus
11. Phillips Hall Additin
12. Removal of Barriers to the Physically Challenged
13. Safety Deficiencies - Barriers to the Physically Challeged, Phase I, Curb-Cuts, Concrete Ramps and Phase II
14. Upgrade Natatorium Lighting, Repair and Replace Steam Lines, Install Power Factor Controls
15. Utilities and Renovations (1975-77)
16. Utilities
17. Remodeling of Irvin Hall
18. Rehabilitation of McGuffey Hall-Re-roofing
19. Ice Rink
20. Campus Lighting
21. Western Lodge
22. Airport Service Authorization Agreement
23. Air Force Cooperative Eucation Program (Graduate Level) 1981-82
24. Air Force Flight Training
25. Army-Education Contract for Ricky Broyles (Hamilton Campus)
26. Butler County ETA Contrac
27. Federal Aviation Administration App for Planning Grant
28. Driver Simulator Contract
29. MfGuffey School Lease
30. Loan Agreement - Morris House (lease to Phi Delta Theta Fraternity)
31. National Defense Student Loan
32. Educational Service Agreement - NROTC
33. Final Report: Implementing Career Training in Gerontology at Miami University 1976/77
34. Contracts Upgrade Natatorium Lighting, Repair and Replace Steam Lines, Install Power Factor Controls
35. Van Voorhis Hall-Tunnels and Transmission Lines
36. Computer Input to Land Rent, Run date: 3/5/87
37. Computer Input to Land Rent, Run date: 6/5/87
38. Computer Input to Land Rent, Run date: 2/2/88
39. Computer Input to Land Rent, Run date: 2/29/88
40. Computer Input to Land Rent, Run date: 3/9/89
41. Computer Input to Land Rent, Run date: 5/25/88
42. Computer Input to Land Rent, Run date: 6/29/88
mputer Input to Land Rent, Run date: 10/31/88
Computer Input to Land Rent, Run date: 11/3/88
Computer Input to Land Rent, Run date: 12/19/88
Finance and Business; Land Rent Record Box Index Cards; Last Names A-D 197-; Box 1 [18A-G-1A]
Contents: Box 1- Land Rent Records Cards
Record Cards for last names A-D
Finance and Business; Land Rent Record Box Index Cards; Last Names E-K 197-; Box 2 [18A-G-1C] Contents: Box 2- Land Rent Records Cards Record Cards for last names E-K
Finance and Business; Land Rent Record Box Index Cards; Last Names L-R 197-; Box 3 [18A-G-2A] Contents: Box 3- Land Rent Records Cards Record Cards for last names L-R
Finance and Business; Land Rent Record Box Index Cards; Last Names S-R 197-; Box 4 [18A-G-2B]
Contents: Box 4- Land Rent Records Cards
Record Cards for last names S-Z
Finance and Business; Land Rent Collection;Land Rent Cards, Reports and Receipts; 19 Box 5 [18A-G-2C]
Contents: Miami University Land Rent Collection
Box 5- University Regional Broadcasting and Land Rents Card
Box Index
Blue Binder
•Land rent payments- 1973
Folder 1: Committee to Study Move- 1980
• Pros and cons of move
Folder 2: University Regional Broadcasting (URB)
• Audited financial statement issued by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting- published 6-30-1980
Folder 3: URB- July 1980- December 1980
• Financial statement published June 30, 1980
• Letter about authorization to borrow $132,000 to participate in PBS-Blairsat Commercial
Recording Satellite Project
Folder 4: URB- January 1980- June 1980
• Memorandum about organizational changes at URB
• Meeting minutes and agendas
• Letter about PBS membership meeting
Folder 5: URB- July 1979- December 1979
• Copy of minutes
• Financial report published 8-31-1979
• Management letters from September 6, 1979
• Audited financial statement published June 30, 1979 (2 copies)
• Pages for the “PBS Corporate Information” book
Folder 6: URB- January 1979- June 1979
• Summary Review of A Public Trust: The Report of the Carnegie Commission on the Future of Public Broadcasting- 1979
• Various memorandums
• Report of a special Ad Hoc meeting of the program advisory committee- April 21, 1979
• Arcade Square information booklet
• Financial report published January 31, 1979
Finance and Business; Land Rent Collection; Land Rent System; Property Owners and Billing List; 1979-84 Box 6 [18A-G-3A]
Contents: Miami University Land Rent Collection
Box 6- Land Rent System; property and owners, billing list
Box Index
Folder 1: Land Rent System- run date 5/25/84
• Property and owners list A-Z
• Computer input to land rent
Folder 2: Land Rent System- run date 2/24/84
• Property and owners list A-Z
• Computer input to land rent
Folder 3: Land Rent System- run date 08/04/83
• Property and owners list A-Z
Folder 4: Land Rent System- run date 6/22/83
• Listing of land rent receipts- 1st Billing
Folder 5: Land Rent System- run date 3/7/83
• Billing List- 1st Billing
Folder 6: Land Rent System- run date 3/1/83
• Property and owners list A-Z
Folder 7: Land Rent System- run date 2/21/83
• Billing List- 2nd Billing
Folder 8: Land Rent System- run date 2/4/83
• Listing of land rent receipts- 2nd Billing
Binder: Land Rent System Computer Input 4/24/79- 2/28/80
Finance and Business; Land Rent Collection; Renovations and Additions; 1979-1984; Box 7 [18A-G-3B]
Miami University Land Rent Collection
Box 7- Land Rent- renovations and additions
Box Index
Folder 1: Phillips Hall Addition Encumbrances
Folder 2: Ohio-Dept. of Finance Controlling Board- 1977-1978
• General request forms- upgrades, amounts requested for expenditures
• Reports on the implementation of Section B, Am. Sub. H.B. 618, presented to Controlling Board by the Ohio Board of Regents
• Schedule of required reports and due dates
Folder 3: Ohio-Dept. of Finance Controlling Board- 1978-1979
• General request forms; money for Phys. Ed. Bldg on Hamilton Campus, upgrades and various renovations, science library addition, communications building, etc.
Folder 4: Ohio-Dept. of Finance Controlling Board- 1979-1980
• Land purchase request form for property located on South Oak Street
• General request forms
Folder 5: Communications Building Contract Encumbrance- 1976-1981
• “Bound” packet of contract encumbrance forms for the communications building
Folder 6: Site Analysis Report for Proposed Communications Building, Miami University Oxford, Ohio
Folder 7: Communications Building- 1979
• List of encumbrances for processing
• Construction project change orders
Folder 8: Communications Building- 1980-1981
• Contract encumbrances
Folder 9: Career Planning and Placement Office Move to Hoyt
• Floor plan for proposed Career Planning and Placement Office
• Other proposals of changes and moves
Folder 10: Ice Arena0 General Correspondence- 1976-1980
• Contract encumbrances for Ice Arena renovation
• Correspondence on renovation project
• Program and schedule- 1976/77 seasons
• Fee structures- 1976/77 season
Folder 11-12: Ice Arena Renovation- 1980-1982
• Contract encumbrances and charge orders for additions and alterations
• Ice Arena Drainage Report
• Floor plan for Ice Arena
Folder 13: Patterson Place- 1980
• Renovation plans
• Floor plan
Folder 14-16: Hamilton Campus Gymnasium
• Contract encumbrances, charge orders, general request forms, requisitions for creation of Phys. Ed. Facility
• Breakdown and partial payment request sheets
• Letters from the architects of the gymnasium
• Floor plan
Finance and Business; Land Rent Collection; Land Rent Space Allocation and Utilization; 1981-1989; Box 8 [18A-G-3C]
Miami University Land Rent Collection
Box 8- Land Rent- Space Allocation and Utilization
Box Index
Folder 1: Boyd Hall Space Allocation- 1982-84
• Renovation/relocation plans
• Floor plans of Boyd Hall
• Letters from those involved in the project
Folder 2: Chatham, Lois Charlyne- 1968/89, 1969/70
• Western College Student
• Letters from the Finance Department
• Student Loan Slips
• Requests for payments to be made
Folder 3: Yale University Press Bookstore- 1963
• Receipt for books bought from the Yale University Press
Folder 4: Space Inventory- 1982-1984
• Requests for updated space inventory to include new buildings added
• Building Square Footage and Campus Acreage
• Letters from Columbus Hyatt Regency
Folder 5: University Space Allocation Committee- 1981/82
• Allocating space to be used outside of its allotted hours- summer school group
• Letters regarding space assignment/reassignment
Folder 6: Space Allocation- General
• Letters concerning space utilization and proposed changes
• Policies and Procedures for the Assignment and Utilization of Space- 1982
Folder 7: Space Utilization Committee
• Letters regarding concerns about the new procedures
• Drafts of the Space Utilization Procedure
Folder 8: Space Allocation- McGuffey and Gaskill- 1983/84
• Letters from Audiovisual department; changes to staff, additions of services and service charges
• Floor plans of Gaskill Hall
• Letters discussing use of Gaskill Hall rooms from other departments
Folder 9: Upham Hall Space Allocation- 1986
• Floor plans- Upham, Hughes
• Requests for space utilization changes from College of Arts and Sciences; classrooms needed for History department, History department move to Upham
Folder 10: Oxford Campus Utilization Draft Plans- 1984
• Draft/draft plans of Oxford Campus Utilization
• Requests for drafting equipment
• Letters about draft plans for Gaskill, Kreger, Roudebush, and Robertson Halls
Folder 11: Projects/Renovations
• Academic projects (to take place in new renovations)
• Reserved projects list- 1986-87
Finance and Business; Land Rent Collection and Receipts; 1990-2000; Box 9 [18A-G-4A]
Miami University Land Rent Collection
Box 9- Land Rent Receipts 1990-2000
Box Index
Red Folder: 1990-2000
Loose receipts from the First National Bank of Southwestern Ohio
(each folder it’s on year)
Folder 1: Land rent receipts 1989-1992
- computer generated list
Folder 2: Land rent receipts 1993
- computer generated list
Folder 3: Land rent receipts 1994
- computer generated list
Folder 4: Land rent receipts 1995
- computer generated list
Folder 5: Land rent receipts 1996
- computer generated list
Folder 6: Land rent receipts 1997
- computer generated list
Folder 7: Land rent receipts 1998
- computer generated list
Folder 8: Land rent receipts 1999
- computer generated list
Folder 9: Land rent receipts 2000
- computer generated list
Finance and Business; Land Rent Records, 1874-1913; Box 10 [18A-G-5C] Contents: 1874-1902 May, Compilation Ledger 1874-1902 September Compilation Ledger 1901-1913 Compilation Ledger 1 1902-1913 Compilation Ledger No. 2
- 1798 - 1995
- Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.
Conditions Governing Use
Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.
4 Boxes
41 Volumes
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
- Box: 1; Land Materials; Miami Lands Materials; 1798-1995; 12A-K-1A (Text)
- Box: 2; Land Materials; Miami Lands Materials; 1798-1940; 12A-K-1B (Text)
- Box: 3; Land Materials; Miami Lands Materials; 1955-56;12A-M-2A (Text)
- Box: 4; Land Materials; Miami Lands Materials; 1954-1955; 12A-K-1C (Text)
- Box: 5 Land Materials; Land Rents Ledger; 1851-93; 12A-M-3A (Books)
- Box: 6; Land Materials; Land Rents Ledger; 1941-1952; 12A-M-3B (Books)
- Box: 7; Land Materials; Land Rents Ledgers; 1825-56; 12A-M-4A (Books)
- Box: 8; Land Materials; Land Rents Ledger; 1931-48; 12A-M-4B (Books)
- Box: 9; Land Materials; Land Rents Compilation Ledgers; 1846-1902; 12A-N-2B (Books)
- Box: 10; Land Materials; Land Rents Ledgers; 1810-27; 12A-N-2A (Books)
- Box: 11; Land Materials; Land Rents Ledgers; 1810-1913; 12A-N-3A (Books)
- Box: 12; Land Materials; Land Rent Ledgers 1880-1907; 12A-N-3B (Books)
- Object: Land Materials; Land Rents Compilation Ledger [Bound]; 1810-30 [I] (Books)
- Object: Land Materials; Land Rents Compilation Ledger [Bound]; 1825-42 (Books)
- Object: Land Materials; Land Rents Compilation Ledger [Bound]; 1840-56 (Books)
- Object: Land Materials; Land Rents Compilation Ledger [Bound]; 1901-13 (Books)
- Object: Land Materials; Land Rents Compilation Ledger [Bound]; 1902-13 (Books)
- Box: 13; Land Materials; Land Rents Ledgers 1914-30; 12A-O-2A (Books)
- Object: Land Materials; Land Rents Ledger [Bound]; 1919-30 [I] (Books)
- Object: Land Materials; Land Rents Ledger [Bound]; 1919-30 [II] (Books)
- Object: Land Materials; Land Rents Ledger [Bound]; 1953-54 (Books)
- Object: Land Materials; Land Rents Ledger [Bound]; 1953-56 (Books)
- Object: Land Materials; Schedule of Lots: Oxford Village, In and Out Lots; College Corner (Books)
- Object: Land Materials; In Lots And Out Lots: Miami University (Books)
- Object: Land Materials; Record of Surveys, Lot Owners, Divisions (Books)
- Object: Land Materials; Record of Leases by Lot; 1810-1935 (Books)
- Container: Box 1; Finance and Business; Land Materials; Contracts, Construction Files, Land Rent Payment Records; 1960-1989; [12A-K-2A] (Text)
- Box: 1; Land Rent Record Box Index Cards; Last Names A-D 197-; 18A-G-1A (Text)
- Box: 2; Land Rent Record Box Index Cards; Last Names E-K 197-; 8A-G-1C (Text)
- Box: 3; Land Rent Record Box Index Cards; Last Names L-R 197-; 18A-G-2A (Text)
- Box: 4; Land Rent Record Box Index Cards; Last Names S-R 197-; 18A-G-2B (Text)
- Box: 7; Land Rent Collection; Renovations and Additions; 1979-1984; Box 7; 18A-G-3B (Text)
- Box: 8; Land Rent Collection; Land Rent Space Allocation and Utilization; 1981-1989; 18A-G-3C (Text)
- Box: 9; Land Rent Collection and Receipts; 1990-2000; 18A-G-4A (Text)
- Box: 10; Finance and Business; Land Rent Records, 1874-1913; 18A-G-5C (Text)
Repository Details
Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository