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Faculty Files

 Collection — Multiple Containers


Miami University; Faculty; Filing Cabinets 1-8; Aa-Az; Filing Cabinet 2 Ba-Bax: Filing Cabinet 3 Be-Bo; Filing Cabinet 4 Br-By; Filing Cabinet 5 Ca-Coh; Filing Cabinet 6 Col-Cy; Filing Cabinet 7 Da-Dev; Filing Cabinet 8 Dev-Ech

Filing Cabinet 1 Aa-Az: 1. Retirement Announcements 2. Abbott, Isabel R. [Dean of Western College] - News Clips 3. Abegglen, Henrietta Pulskamp [English] - Data Sheet 4. Abegglen, Homer N. [Speech/Theatre] (April 5, 1901-December 30, 1989) - Memorial; Memorial Testimonials; Vita/Letter of Introduction; Administrative Correspondence (1929-32); Homer Abegglen Weekend-Account of Proceedings; Vita and Photo of Wife; Personal Correspondence (1982); Index of Papers in Archives; Data Sheet 5. Aber, Mary Kathryn [Bookkeeper] - Data Sheet 6. Abraham, Warren Haeberlin (b. December 11, 1929)[Dayton Campus Director] - News Clip; Data Sheet 7. Achorn, Eric [History] - News Clip Authored by Achorn (Not related to Miami); Administrative Correspondence (1925-27) 8. Ackley, Irene [Secretary] 9. Adams, Arlon T. [English] - Resume 10. Adams, Catherine [Music Education] - Administrative Correspondence (1939-40) 11. Adams, Diana L. [Zoology] - Publication (1977) 12. Adams, James F. [ESIP/Research Associate] (b. December 27, 1927) - Data Sheet 13. Adams, Ethel M. [Education] - Partial Vita (1962) 14. Adams, Robert L. [Music/Graduate Student] - Scholarship Correspondence (1949-53) 15. Addington, Marjorie M. [Zoology](d.1981) - Memorial 16. Addison, William E. [Psychology] - Publication (1980) 17. Adke, Sharaschandra Raghunath [Mathematics/Statistics-Visiting Professor] - Vita (1985) 18. Adkins, Olga Bibza 19. Agin, Michael 20. Aird, Charles Clifton [Geography] - Data Sheet 21. Aird, John Shields [Sociology and Anthropology] (b. November 10, 1919) - Data Sheet 22. Aitken, Stuart C. [Geography] - Vita (1984) 23. Alban, William [Bookstore] (b. April 8, 1918) - Data Sheet 24. Albaugh, Eugene M. [Aeronautics/Director of Veterans' Education](b. March 3, 1901; Resigned September 1954) - 2 folders - Data Sheet; Veterans' Enrollment Statistics and Lists(1947-52); Appointment Notices (1950-54); Veterans' Center Correspondence (1946); Resignation Correspondence; Publications 25. Albert, J. Paul [Mathematics] (April 17, 1901-January 24, 1986) - Memorial; Data Sheet; Adminstrative Correspondence (1925-46) 26. Albertina, Adelheit Abrams [Education/Integrated Studies] (b. July 21, 1919; Withdrew 1954-55) - Data Sheet 27. Abbott, Isabel R 28. Abegglan, Homer 29. Abel, Ellen 30. Aber, Mary K. 31. Achorn, Eric O. (Edgar) 32. Ackley, Irene 33. Acus, Jack 34. Adams, Arlon T. 35. Adams, Catherine M. 36. Adams, Diana 37. Adams, Ethel M. 38. Adams, James F. 39. Adams, Robert L. 40. Adams, Robert W. 41. Addington, Marjorie M. 42. Addison, William E. 43. Adke, Sharaschandra 44. Ahmed, Fareed 45. Ahner, David 46. Aird, Charles Clifton 47. Alban, William 48. Albanese, Robert 49. Albaugh, Eugene M. 50. Albert, J. Paul 51. Albertina, Adelheit Abrams 52. Albin, William 53. Albright, Preston Bailey [History/Residence Halls] (b. March 5, 1907; Resigned 1965) - Data Sheet; Administrative Correspondence (1953-58) 54. Alden, David C. 55. Alexander, Bruce K. 56. Alexander, Henry Aaron, Jr. [Philosophy] (b. October 5, 1922) -Data Sheet 57. Alexander, J. Davidson 58. Alexander, Nancy H. 59. Alexander, Ralph S. [Visiting Marketing Professor] - News Clip (1962) 60. Alexander, Ralph W. [Sociology and Anthropology] - Vita (1976) 61. Alexander, William 62. Alexander, William M. [Educational Leadership] - Vita (1980) 63. Alford, Robert L. 64. Al-Hamdani, Saffan [Botany] - Publications 65. Aliapoulios, A. A. (Paul) [Music] (December 6, 1935- )(Resigned 1976) - Administrative Correspondence [Largely involving resignation](1972-76); Vitas (1970, 1972) 66. Allen, Amy M. 67. Allen, Gordon A. [Psychology] - Publications (1976-81) 68. Allen, John E. 69. Allen, Richard S. 70. Allender, Jerry [Educational Leadership](Resigned 1968) - Memos and Statements concerning resignation (1967) 71. Allenspach, Allan [Zoology] - Publications (1993-94) 72. Allison, Christopher 73. Allison, Nancy A. 74. Alton, Aaron John [Marketing](b. February 12, 1920) - Data Sheet; News Clip (1959); Appointment Letter (1946) 75. Almy, Robert F. [English] (February 10, 1901-February 1, 1969) - Memorial and Funeral Service; Newspaper Obituaries; Vitas (1929, 1931, 1947, 1950); Data Sheet; Faculty Reports (1946-67); Administrative Correspondence (1929-30, 1951-52, 1967) 76. Alster, Kazimierz [Mathematics/Statistics-Visiting Professor] - Vita (1986) 77. Alton, A.J. 78. Altstetter, Mable Flick [English] (September 28, 1894-July 15, 1962) - Memorial; Data Sheet; Administrative Correspondence (1938-46); Publication (1941) 79. Ames, M. Ashley [Psychology] - Vita (1990) 80. Amling, Frederick [Finance] (December 23, 1926- )(Resigned 1966) - Vita (1966); Data Sheet; News Clip (1967); Publication (1967) 81. Amon, Martha Ruth [Art Education] - Data Sheet. 82. Anastos, George [Zoology] - Data Sheet 83. Anders, Ida A. [Home Economics] - Appointment correspondence (1919) 84. Andersen, Robert A. [Off-campus scholar] - Appointment memo (1985) 85. Anderson, Arthur K., Jr. [Architecture] (January 8, 1934- )(Resigned 1974) - Vita (1971, 1972); Faculty Reports (1964-71); Correspondence (1970-74) 86. Anderson, Audra I. 87. Anderson, Christian A. 88. Anderson, J. Theodore (September 18, 1940- )(Resigned 1973) - Vitas (1971, 1973); Faculty Reports and Data Sheets (1969-73); Administrative Correspondence (1969-73); News Clip with Photo 89. Anderson, James R. 90. Anderson, Melvin E. [Zoology-Visiting Scholar] (December 13, 1945- ) Vita (1985) 91. Anderson, Richard A. 92. Anderson, Sheldon [History] Newsclip 93. Anderson, Thomas Brown [Communication and Theatre/Speech] (May 30, 1916-October 4, 1978) - Memorial; Data Sheet; News Clip (1962); Administrative Correspondence (1955) 94. Anderson, William Elijah [Mathematics](October 2, 1875-December 3, 1960) - 4 folders - Memorial; Newspaper Obituary; Data Sheet; Administrative Correspondence (1917-46); Mathematics Department Report (1930); Report of the Committee on the Marking System; "Officer of the Day" Report (December 9, 1926); News Clip with Photo 95. Andres, Michael G. [Music] (Resigned 1977) - Vita (1975); Faculty Reports (1976-77) 96. Andrie, Karen [Music-Temporary Lecturer](January 19, 1943- ) - Vita 1979 97. Angel, Margaret C. [Art Instructor/Normal College] - Appointment Letter ([1903]) 98. Angus, Judith 99. Angus, Samuel Floyd [Educational Psychology] (July 21, 1934-October 20, 1994) - Memorial 100. Angus, Steven [Zoology] 101. Annan, John E. [Mathematics, Geography, Natural Philosophy, Astronomy, and Political Economy] (1803-August 29, 1830) - Manuscript letters (1824-26) 102. Anon, Norman 103. Ansteatt, Herbert B. [Library/English] (d. November 5, 1989) - Newspaper Obituary; Administrative letter (1947) 104. Anton, Wayne D. 105. Apt, Madeleine 106. Arceneaux, Cathan [Educational Leadership] - Appointment letter (1990) 107. Archer, Oneal J.T. 108. Ardis, Ann L. [English] - Vita (1987) 109. Arfken, George Brown, Jr. [Physics](b. November 20, 1922- ) - Fact Sheet 110. Armitage, Russell C. [Educational Administration] - Vita (1970) 111. Armington, Mrs. William S. [Admissions Office] - Appointment letter/Correspondence (1946-47) 112. Armogida, Harry (January 30, 1915-January 2, 1990) - Memorial; Brief Vita; Administrative Correspondence 113. Armstrong, Jack W. [Middletown-Music] [Resigned 1972] - Administrative Correspondence (1970-72) 114. Armstrong, John [Mathematics, 1840-43]- Manuscripts and information from Board of Trustees minutes 115. Armstrong, Thomas [Latin, Greek, and Hebrew] (d. August 27, 1835) - Data collected by Archivist 116. Arnold, Frank E. [Veterans' Administration] - Administrative Correspondence (1946-47) 117. Arnott, Shelley E. [Zoology] - Publication (1993) 118. Asadulla, Syed 119. Ashburn, Arnold G. 120. Ashton, Angela 121. Ashton, Angela D. 122. Ashton, Holbrook 123. Ashton, Thayer H. 124. Ashworth, Carl [Music] - Administrative correspondence (1947-48); Bradley University Concert Bureau Program with brief Vita and Photo (1947) 125. Aston, John G. 126. Atchley, Bob [Gerontology] - Article 127. Atherton, Larry L. 128. Atherton, Ralph [Physics] - Data Sheet 129. Attwell, Gwilym J. [Zoology] - Publication (1992) 130. Aultz, Clyde E. 131. Auble, Donovan [Educational Psychology] (November 4, 1926- ) - Vita (1977) 132. Aubry, Edwin Edward [Sociology] (Resigned 1925) - Publication (1930); Lake Geneva Student Conference Brochure and Program (1925); Administrative Correspondence (1925-); Correspondence with President Hughes on Nature of Sociology and Functions of Sociology Department (1925); Sociology Department Objectives (1925-26); Correspondence with President Hughes Referring to Student Religious and Behaviour "Problems" (1922-23); Wedding Invitation (1923); National Fellowship in Religion Brochure and Application; News Clip and Photo of Wedding (1923) 133. Aubrey, Gladys Topping [Y.W.C.A.] - Administrative Correspondence (1923) Auchincloss, Joyce B. [Music-Middletown] (Resigned 1971) - Administrative Correspondence (1970-71); Vita (1970) 134. Aulds, Lou [Library] - Vita (1973, 1976 [with photo]); Location of Library tree 135. Austin, Garnet Long [Mathematics] (b. March 18, 1912- ; Withdrew 1954-55) - Data Sheet 136. Austin, Sidney [Head, New Freshman Dormitory, Freshman Advisor] - Vita with Photo (1939); Administrative Correspondence (1939) 137. Avant, Gayle R. 138. Avant, Patricia Kay 139. Avendano, Fausto 140. Ayers, Phyllis A. 141. Azarnia, Nazanin [Mathematics and Statistics] - Administrative Correspondence (1984) 142. Azmi, Muhammad [History] (June 30, 1950) - Vita (1989)

Filing Cabinet 2 Ba-Bax: 1. Babb, Georgina 2. Baber, Charles Cecil [Speech](b. March 5, 1931) - Data Sheet 3. Bach, Minnie K. [Secretary] 4. Bachelor, Joseph M. [English](May 17, 1889-December 5, 1947) - 2 Folders - Memorial; Faculty Data Card; Data Sheet; Correspondence with President Hughes about Returning to Miami (1912-27); Letter to the Fisher Hall Freshmen of 1929; Administrative Correspondence (1927-33); Brochures; Index for Bachelor Boxes; Biographical Sketch (n.d.); Miami News Release; Correspondence on Resignation (1946); Walter Havighurst Reminiscences about Bachelor at Bachelor Hall Dedication (1979); Miami Student article on Bachelor Hall Dedication (1979); List of Pallbearers at Bachelor's Funeral; Correspondence on Appraisal of Bachelor Library with Appraisment (1948); Survey Map of Bachelor Estate 5. Bacon, Richard Pace [Mathematics] - Data Sheet 6. Bacon, Robert S. [History](Retired 1994) - Publication (1981) [See Green, Jerry E.] 7. Bader, Don 8. Badgley, John [Government] - News Clip (1962) 9. Baechler, Raymond D. 10. Baer, Elizabeth Henrietta [Library](b. November 10, 1919) - Data Sheet; Meeting Announcement (1951); News Clip (1952); Retirement Announcement 11. Baer. Robert [Psychology] - Publication (1980) 12. Baerwald, Hans Herman [Government] (b. June 18, 1927) - Data Sheet; News Clips (1962) 13. Bahr, Gisella E. [GREAL] - Vita (1970); Publications 14. Bailer, Shirley 15. Baillie, Georgia E. [McGuffey Schools- First Grade Critic] 16. Bain, Florence Davis [Government] - Data Sheet 17. Baird, John W. [History] - News Clips; Publications (1978-82) 18. Baird, Keith E. 19. Bake, Orin W. [University Greenhouses' Manager] - Data Sheet 20. Bake, Virgie 21. Baker, Emily Veronica [Education] - Data Sheet 22. Baker, George H. [Visiting Professor-Art? (1925)] - Clips and obituary 23. Baker, Harold A. [Marketing] - Faculty Report (1939-40) 24. Baker, John 25. Baker, Naomi [Y.W.C.A. Secretary] - Administrative Correspondence (1925-26); Revised Y.W.C.A. Budget; Letter to President Hughes listing number of people using Y.W.C.A. Office (1926); Y.W.C.A. Reports (n.d.); Y.W.C.A. Aims (n.d.) 26. Baldwin, Dean E. 27. Baldwin, Lawrence M. [Psychology] - Publication (1977) 28. Baldwin, Richard 29. Ball, Helen Coulter [Library](b. October 25, 1919, d. July 30, 2001; Retired 1990) - Data Sheet; News Clips on Retirement; Correspondence Concerning and Invitation for Retirement Reception; Memorial 30. Ball, John Waldron [English] (b. October 7, 1920) - Data Sheet; Publication (1954); Administrative Correspondence (1955); News Clip; Convention Brochure 31. Ball, Leonard 32. Ball, Phares D. [Industrial Arts Education] - Data Sheet 33. Ballal, Sandhya R. [Zoology] - Publication (1994) 34. Ballard, David Lee 35. Ballard, Robert 36. Ballator, John R. [Art?](b. February 7, 1909) - Biographical Sketch (1948); Administrative Correspondence (1948) 37. Bangert, Charles Werner [German] (June 29, 1907-1978?] - Memorial; Data Sheet; Correspondence (1953-54); German Summer School Certificate (1936) 38. Banon, Marie Helen 39. Barcus, C. Harold [Architecture](b. September 9, 1921) - Data Sheet; Vita 40. Barg, Judy [Education] - Vita (1967) 41. Barghusen, Laura [Zoology] - Publication 42. Barker, Laurence Addison [Art] (b. November 20, 1930; Resigned 1960) - Data Sheet; Faculty Reports (1959-60); Administrative Correspondence (1957); News Clip (1957-58) 43. Barkin, Leonard Melvin [Art](Resigned 1948) - Data Sheet; Vita (1957) 44. Barlow, Gary 45. Barnes, Ellen Louise 46. Barnes, James 47. Barnes, Lila Louise [Student Affairs] (b. June 3, 1930) - Data Sheet 48. Barnes, Mandie M. [Educational Leadership/Adjunction Instructor] - Vita (1989) 49. Barnes, Sebronette [Music] - Vita (1987) 50. Barnhill, Robert 51. Barr, Glenn Ross [Romance Languages](October 10, 1897-December 11, 1989) - Memorial; Data Sheet; Memorial Service Program (1989); Faculty Record (1930); Faculty Report (1939-40); Administrative Correspondence (1941); Christmas Letter from Son and Daughter (1989) 52. Barr, Sarah [Libraries](Retired 1992) - Retirement Memo 53. Barratt, William R. [Educational Leadership] - Vita (1985) 54. Barre, Sharon Kay 55. Barren, George F. 56. Barrett, Gary W. [Zoology] - Publications (1977-93) 57. Barrett, Joan 58. Barron, George Francis [Music](April 14, 1908-October 11, 1985; Resigned 1973) - Memorial; Data Sheet; Ohio Senate Commendation (1973); Administrative Correspondence (1936-46); News Clip and Photo (1974) 59. Barschak, Erna Charlotte [Psychology](b. December 9, 1898) - Data Sheet; Administrative Correspondence (1942- ); Article on Teaching Foreign Languages in Elementary Schools; Faculty Report (1946-57) 60. Barter, Alia K. 61. Barthel, Christopher [Institute of Environmental Sciences-Director](July 13, 1911-January 10, 1990) - Memorial; News Clip 62. Basakman, Mutlu [Architecture/Post Doctoral Teaching Fellow](Resigned 1975) - Vita (1975); Administrative Correspondence (1974-75); Faculty Service Report (1974) 63. Bassett, Jeanne [Physical Education](b. December 16, 1912) - Data Sheet 64. Bassler, Judith Ann [Alumni Relations] (b. December 3, 1935) - Data Sheet 65. Basu, Debrabata [Library] - Appointment Announcement (1988); Publication (1989) 66. Battershall, Walton F. [Art and Architecture] (b. August 7, 1917; Left 1955) - Vita (1948) [With Photo], 1952); Administrative Correspondence (1948-61); News Clip 67. Baudin, Maurice C. [French](Resigned 1931) - 4 Folders - Administrative Correspondence (1917-31); Publications (1924-26) 68. Bauer, Arthur W. [Industrial Arts Education](b. October 12, 1905) -Data Sheet; Biographical News Clip with Photo (1942); News Clip 69. Bauer, Dale Marie [English] - Vita (1986, 1988) 70. Bauer, Steven [English] - News Clip with Photo 71. Baumann, John W. 72. Bayliff, Russell 73. Baxter, Ann Wilson [Music] - Sketch of Professional Activities (1989)

Filing Cabinet 3 Be-Bo: 1. Beal, Donald Gordon [Psychology] - Vita (1978, 1980, 1981, 1984); Publications (1978-80) 2. Bean, David [Piano/Artist in Residence] - Concert Program (1969); Review Brochure; News Clip (1962); Postcards 3. Bean, Virginia [See Salzarulo, W. Peter] 4. Beatty, Bruce [Physical Education] (b. June 15, 1928) - Data Sheet 5. Beatty, Dorothy M. 6. Beaupain, Helen Louise [Home Economics] (b. April 10, 1926; Withdrew 1954-55) - Data Sheet 7. Bebee, Richard F. [Accountancy] - Publication (1973) 8. Beck, Fred Louis 9. Beck, Linda R. 10. Beck William Clark [Physician-Wade McMillan Hospital] - Data Sheet 11. Becker, Carl M. 12. Becker, David Welling [English] (October 8, 1908-May 13, 1989) - Memorial; Data Sheet; Memorial Service Program; News Clip 13. Becker, Timothy Lynn 14. Becker, William C. [Midwest Program for Airborne Television Instruction - Coordinator] - News Clip (1962) 15. Beers, Gertrude [Industrial Arts] - Administrative Correspondence (1919-20) 16. Bein, Joseph H. [Music] - Data Sheet; Recital Program; News Clip_ 17. Beiswenger, Anna J. [Teacher's College] (Resigned 1918) - Administrative Correspondence (1917-18) 18. Beitzel, William A 19. Belk, Ethel C. [Botany and Bacteriology] (b. October 29, 1903) - Data Sheet; Administrative Correspondence (1929, 1959) 20. Belka, David E. [Health, Physical Education, and Recreation] - Application for Research Support (1982-83) 21. Bell, Edward B. 22. Bell, Linda J. 23. Bell, Thomas J. [Accountancy](b. June 7, 1946) - Vita (1990) 24. Beller, Dennis Charles 25. Beltrami, Roger 26. Benda, Michael D. [NROTC] - News Photo (1959) 27. Beneke, Herman H. [Economics/Finance] (June 7, 1885-August 6, 1972) - 5 folders - Memorial; Data Sheet; News Obituary with Photo; Political Brochure with Photo (1936); Administrative Correspondence (1919-52); Department Brochure (1920); Bibliographies; Correspondece with President Hughes on Condition of Methodist Episcopal Sunday School (1923); Correspondence with President Hughes on Physical Education Department (1924); Speech on Trends in Local, State and Federal Government; Personal Correspondence with President Benton (1905-11); Postcard; Miami Valley Association By-Laws (1921); Summary of Report to Mayor and Council of Oxford Water Situation; Correspondence while working on the Federal Home Loan Bank Board (1935); Correspondence with President Upham on "Lady" Hughes and tax issue (1935); Correspondence with President Upham on Seeking Republican Nomination to Congress (1936); Letter to President Hughes re. Problem of providing sites on University Land for New Fraternity Homes (1927); Washington Presbyterian Church Brochure; Paper-"Teaching of Business Finance"; News Clips (1935); Paper-"Is There a Way Out?" (1931?); Letter to President Hahne on Proposed Faculty Housing Program (1947) 28. Bengston, Thomas E. [Mathematics] - Publication (1983) 29. Benimoff, Murray [Psychology] - Data Sheet 30. Benjamin, Martin 31. Benkoil, Mair J. [History] - Administrative Correspondence (1965) 32. Bennett, C. Eugene [Education] - Vita (1967) 33. Bennett, Samuel [Music] - Vita (1973) 34. Bennett, Valerie A. 35. Bennie, William Andrew [Education/Critic Teacher] - Data Sheet; Administrative Correspondence (1952-55) 36. Benninger-Truax, Mary [Zoology] - Publication (1993) 37. Bennison, Martin J. (1943-2010) - Memorial 38. Benoit, William L. [Communication and Theatre] - Vita (1980) 39. Benson, Ann T. [English/Western] - News Clip (1961) 40. Benson, H. M. [Business] - Faculty Report (1939-40) 41. Benson, Joyce 42. Benson, Robert A. [Architecture] - News Clip with Photo 43. Benson, Rosamond Patrick [Art](b. December 9, 1906) - Data Sheet; Letter to Art Department Design Majors (n.d) 44. Benton, Michael J. [Zoology] - Publication (1992) 45. Benz, Frances Pedrick [Physical and Health Education] (b. February 18, 1928) - Data Sheet 46. Benz, John James [Art](October 12, 1924; Resigned 1955) - Data Sheet; Vitas (1952, 1945, 1966? [with photo]); Faculty Service Report (1952); Cincinnati Artists Exhibition Program with Photo of Work (1954); Administrative Correspondence (1952-55, 1963-66) 47. Benzing, David Hill [Botany/Off-Campus Scholar] -Vita (1989) 48. Berg, David J. [Zoology] - Publications 49. Bergeest, Hans Gustav [Student Health Service](b. September 5, 1917) - Data Sheet 50. Berger, Allen [SEAP] - Publications 51. Berger, David F. [See Richard F. Thompson] 52. Bergstrom, David W. [Zoology](May 7, 1917-December 20, 1980) - Memorial; Data Sheet; Administrative Correspondence (1953-58) 53. Bergstrom, Letty F. 54. Berkey, Dennis D. 55. Berkowitz, Howard [Education](b. July 31, 1927) - Data Sheet 56. Bernard, Allen W. [Educational Psychology] - Vita (1974) 57. Berrios, Alfonso [Romance Languages] (b. October 28, 1916) - Data Sheet; News Clip; Travel Brochure 58. Berry, Eddye P. [Music] (b. May 2, 1947) - Vita (1978) 59. Berry, Gordon 60. Berry, Margaret Ann [Zoology] (b. November 1, 1929) - Data Sheet 61. Berry, Robert Erwin [Economics] (b. December 16, 1923) - Data Sheet; News Clip; Meeting Brochure 62. Berry, Stephen D. [Psychology] - Publications (1979-80); News Clip with Photo 63. Bersani, Henry A., Jr. [Educational Psychology] - Vita (1983) 64. Bertin, Robert [Zoology] - Vita (1982) 65. Beshore, Emma Gould [Library] - Administrative Corresponce (1926) 66. Best, Gary L. [Government] (November 12, 1935-July 8, 1964) - Memorial; Sympathy Card; Faculty Reports (1961-64); Publication (1964); Administrative Correspondence (1964) 67. Betar, George Vincent 68. Betrus, Christopher 69. Betz, Katherine Marie [Secretarial Studies] - Data Sheet 70. Beutel, Phillip A. [Economics](b. October 13, 1989) - Vita (1986) 71. Bever, James Edward [Geology](b. July 7, 1920) - Data Sheet; Brief Vita (1954); News Clip 72. Bhanos, Alex P. [Management] - Vita (1975) 73. Bhattacharjee, J. K. [Microbiology] - Publications (1978, 1988). 74. Biagini, Pascal 75. Bible, George T. 76. Bibza, Olga 77. Bice, Hubert E. 78. Biel, William C. 79. Bigony, Chad 80. Bill, Hubert L. 81. Billich, Amy S. 82. Billieu, S. Craig 83. Billieu, Walter 84. Bilsky, Maxwell 85. Binford, Greta J. 86. Bing, Judith 87. Binkley, Max Arthur 88. Birch, Brian P. 89. Birch, Louis P. 90. Birleson, Clifford 91. Bishop, David 92. Bishop-Clarke, Catherine 93. Bishop-Marbury, Andrea 94. Biswas, Gour D. 95. Bitar, Dina M. 96. Bizzaro, Patrick 97. Black, James A. 98. Black, John J. 99. Black, Joseph B. 100. Black, Joseph E. 101. Black, Robert 102. Black, William R. 103. Blackburn, George Edward 104. Blackburn, James C. 105. Blackwell, Will H. 106. Blair, Lee A. 107. Blair, Robert 108. Blaisdell, Muriel L. 109. Blake, Charles 110. Blake, Frederick 111. Blanton, Brad 112. Blake, Robert L. 113. Blakey, James 114. Blanchard, Carlene Bagnall 115. Blanton, Judith E. S. 116. Blanton, W. Bradley 117. Blase, Martin G. 118. Blatman, Hal S. 119. Blau, Gary J. 120. Blazek, Ingrid 121. Bledsoe, Albert T. 122. Bliss, James G. [Physical Education] (Resigned 1924) - 2 Folders - Administrative Correspondence (1920- ); Report of Freshman-Sophomore Physical Examinations (1920-21); Letters re. organization of Intramural Independent Association (1921-2); Correspondence re. Appointment of Tom Van Voorhis (1922); Physical Education Departmental Brochure (1921); Inramural Athletics, Winter Term, Program )(1922-23); Letter from President Hughes re. Figures on Male Use of Tobacco at Miami (1923); Constitution and By-Laws of the Intramural Athletic Association, Miami University (1923); Correspondence with President Hughes re. Raising Funds for Band Uniforms (1923); Posture Classification of Freshmen and Sophomores (1923); Budget for Intermural Athletics , Fall Term (1923-24); News Clipping; News Photo Section-"A School for Athletic Coaches: A New Department at Miami University" (1922) 123. Blitch, Fleming L. 124. Blomquist, William Theodore [Industrial Management](b. January 27, 1925) -Data Sheet; News Clip 125. Blood, Gordon W. [Communication and Theatre] - Vita (1981) 126. Blood, Ingrid M. [Communication and Theatre] - Vita (1981) 127. Bloom, George Melvin [Mathematics] (February 5, 1904-September 11, 1989) - Memorial; Data Sheet. 128. Blue, Gladys 129. Bocher, Susan J. 130. Bodenham, Ruth B. [Education/Critic Teacher](January 18, 1900-January 9, 1988) - Memorial; Data Sheet; Vita (1951); Retirement Reception Invitation 131. Boecker, Susan Louise 132. Boesel, Marian Watterman [Zoology](March 25, 1901-August 4, 1992) - Memorial; Data Sheet; News Clip with Photo (1984); Faculty Record (1930); Faculty Report (1939-40); Administrative Correspondence (1928, 1947); Letter of Praise from Former Student (1950); Publications (1972-85) 133. Bogan, Robert W. [Education] - Administrative Correspondence (1957-58) 134. Bogard, Ken [Registrar] - News Clip (1969) 135. Borger, Robert Neil 136. Boggs, Lohnie J. 137. Boggs, Robert E. [Accounting] - Vita (1966); News Clip (1962) 138. Bogner, Charles Neale [Education Dean/Assistant to the President] (March 26, 1915-January 10, 1983) - Memorial; Data Sheet; News Obituaries; Administrative Correspondence (1960); Correspondence on Retirement (1980); Retirement Program (1980); News Clip 139. Bogue, Donald J. [Scripps Foundation/Associate Director](b. February 2, 1918) - Data Sheet; Administrative Correspondence (1950); Publications (1950, 1955) 140. Bohart, Nancy [Education] - Administrative Correspondence (1966) 141. Bohlinger, Thomas 142. Bohn, S. Elwood [Mathematics] - Administrative Correspondence (1964)_ 143. Bonham, Samuel Jr, 144. Bohning, Daryl Eugene [Physics](b. September 21, 1941) - Vita (1941) 145. Bohyer, Joyce [Speech] - News Clip with Photo (195-) 146. Boies, Boone Tucker [Home Economics] - News Clip (1958-59) 147. Bolds, Norman 148. Bolger, Edward M. [Mathematics] (b. January 9, 1938) - Vita (1967); Publications (1979-81) 149. Bolinger, William [Industrial Education] - Vita (1975) 150. Bollinger, Eric K. [Zoology] - Publication (1993) 151. Bolon, Donald Sinclair [Management] - Obituary (2008) 152. Bolt, Robert 153. Bon, Jose Mrs. 154. Bona, David A. [Architecture-Grad Assistant] - Vita (1977) 155. Bonham, Samuel [Education] - Brief Vita 156. Bono, James D. 157. Booher, Harold Hasting 158. Boone, Michelle D. 159. Booth, Alan R. [History-Visiting Professor] (b. March 20, 1934) - Vita (1974) 160. Booth, Mira 161. Bordinat, Mary W. 162. Bordinat, Philip [English](b. May 31, 1922; Resigned 1964) - Data Sheet; Administrative Correspondence (1956) 163. Bovane, Grace S. 164. Botos, Rebecca R. 165. Bowden, H. Clyde [Purchasing Office] (b. July 5, 1907) - Data Sheet 166. Bowers, George [Applied Science- Director] - News Clip with Photo (1962) 167. Bowers, Scott T. 168. Bowie, Robert 169. Bowles, Larry D. 170. Box, J. Richard [Industrial Management](March 16, 1921-October 28, 1984) -Memorial; Data Sheet 171. Boyston, Raymond W. [Physics](Resigned June 1936) - Administrative Correspondence (1935-36)

Filing Cabinet 4 Br-By: 1. Brack, James W. [Economics] - Administrative Correspondence (1981) 2. Bracker, Peter S. [English] - Administrative Correspondence (1964) 3. Brackney, Ida Mae [Residence Halls] (b. August 26, 1898) - Data Sheet 4. Bradford, John E. [History](d. July 30, 1936) - 3 folders - Faculty Report Letter (1912); Letter Accepting Appointment (1905); Administrative Correspondence (1915-19); Report of Special Committee Relative to the [Oxford] Electric Light Plant; Financial Status of Oxford (1918); Ordinary Resources of the Village (192-); Meeting Invitation; Publications--"The James McBride Manuscripts: Sections Relating to Miami University I and II" (1909); "Education in the Ohio Valley Prior to 1840" (1916) 5. Bradley, Eugene F. 6. Bradshaw, Michael J. [Geography](b. August 7, 1959) - Vita (1987) 7. Brady, Robert James [Bacteriology](b. April 13, 1927; Retired 1994) - Data Sheet; Retirement Announcement; News Clips (1957-58, 1962) 8. Branch, Edgar Marquess [English] - Data Sheet 9. Branch, Janet 10. Brandenburg, Margaret 11. Brandenburg, Samuel J. 12. Brandhoff, Ray 13. Brandner, Elaine 14. Brandon, C. Edwin [Chemistry/Pulp and Paper Technology] (b. October 3, 1915) - Data Sheet 15. Brandon, Edgar E. 16. Brantley, Susan Kay 17. Braveman, Mrs. Sharon A. 18. Breitenbach, G. Peter 19. Breitenbucher, Jacques Robert [German](July 11, 1901-February 26, 1983) - Memorial; Data Sheet 20. Breithaupt, J.F. 21. Brenneman, Lyman Clair [Assistant Director of Buildings](b. October 29, 1920) - Data Sheet 22. Brewer, Emery 23. Brewer, George 24. Brewer, John Richard 25. Brewer, Susan R. [Zoology] - Publication (article) 26. Brice, William B. 27. Brickels, John Lewis [Physical Education](April 6, 1906-March 17, 1964) - Memorial; Data Sheet 28. Bricker, Connie S. 29. Bridgman, Walter Ray 30. Bridgeman, Winnie J. 31. Brightman, Harvey J. 32. Brill, Harvey Clayton 33. Brinker, William J. 34. Brittain, Isabelle King [Scripps Foundation] (b. February 10, 1910) - Data Sheet 35. Brix, Arnold 36. Brock, Mrs. Eleanor H. 37. Brock, James 38. Brockmann, Karen 39. Brodbeck, Alfred 40. Broida, Michael 41. Brooks, Beatrice A. 42. Brooks, Gale 43. Brooks, D. Noel 44. Broussard, C. Anne 45. Brown, Amy C. 46. Brown, Babette Isabelle [Chemistry] - Data Sheet 47. Brown, Barbara 48. Brown, Beverly Quanstrom 49. Brown, Clarence E. 50. Brown, David R. 51. Brown, Donald M. 52. Brown, Gladys Gelbach [Home Economics] (b. December 23, 1896) - Data Sheet 53. Brown, Herbert E. 54. Brown, James E. 55. Brown, James R. 56. Brown, John W. 57. Brown, Louise 58. Brown, Marianna [Zoology] 59. Brown, Martha 60. Brown, Naomi 61. Brown, Rafe M. 62. Brown, Rea W. 63. Brown, R. E. 64. Brown, Robert R. 65. Brown, Ronnie [Libraries] 66. Browne, A. D. 67. Brubaker, Anna R. 68. Brubaker, Eleanor 69. Brubaker, Timothy 70. Bruck, Andrew Frank [Chief Radio Technician/Speech](b. July 30, 1912) - Data Sheet 71. Bruck, Donald P. 72. Brueske, Christopher C. 73. Brueseke, Michael [Zoology] 74. Brugaletta, Yolanda Irene [University Director/Program Director] (b. November 3, 1933) - Data Sheet 75. Brunwiler, J.A. 76. Bruins, Randall J. 77. Bruner, James 78. Bruner, Peter 79. Bruns, Lisa L. 80. Brush, Lisa [Botany] - Publication 81. Bryan, Margaret B. 82. Bryan, Martha Robertson [Physical Education] - Data Sheet 83. Bryan, Robert S. 84. Bryant, Winnifred [Zoology] - Publications 85. Bryent, Robert William [Mathematics] - Data Sheet 86. Bube, Donald 87. Buchanan, John E. 88. Buckingham, John Herbert [Chemistry] - Data Sheet 89. Buddle, Christopher M. 90. Buechler, Romilda 91. Buerkle, Diana L. 92. Bulboaca, Moisa 93. Bullock, Robert M. 94. Bunger, Charles S. 95. Bunten, Charles A. 96. Bunten, Laurada L. 97. Bunton, Charles A. 98. Burgess, Gladys C. [Assistant to the Dean of Women/Head, South] - Data Sheet 99. Burke, Cassel 100. Burke, Dennis K. 101. Burke, Mary Ann 102. Burke, Raymond 103. Burkhouse, Gerald F. 104. Burks, Charles S. [Zoology] - Publication 105. Burlak, Christopher [Botany] 106. Burling, Richard 107. Burney, Thomas D. 108. Burns, Wayne 109. Burns, William R. 110. Burrows, Reynold Lawrence [Classics](b. May 19, 1921) - Data Sheet 111. Burton Keith Stevens [Accounting; V-12 and NROTC COunselor] - Data Sheet 112. Busch, Ronald J. 113. Bush, Harold 114. Buskirk, Gary 115. Butrick, Lyle H. 116. Busse, Walter E. 117. Butlin, R.A. 118. Butler, Charles W. [Spanish] (March 7, 1913-August 9, 1994) - Memorial 119. Butler, John C. 120. Butler, Robert Bryce [Art](b. March 20, 1923) - Data Sheet 121. Butrick, Lyle H. 122. Butros, Albert J. 123. Butters, Nelson 124. Buttwindsor, LaVerne 125. Byrne, John M. 126. Bystrom, Richard Trembath [University Center Director](b. November 15, 1923) - Data Sheet

Filing Cabinet 5 Ca-Coh: 1. Cady, Alan Bruce [Zoology] - Publications 2. Cady, Priscilla S. 3. Cahill, John J. 4. Cahill, Lisa 5. Caillat, Alexandre W. [Zoology] - Publications 6. Calderwood, Robert 7. Caldwell, Ester 8. Callahan, Phyllis 9. Callester, Jerry B. 10. Cameron, Frederick F. [Extended Health Education Program/Kellogg Foundation-Coordinator] - Data Sheet 11. Cameron, Maryellen 12. Cameron, Robert B. 13. Camp, Susan 14. Campbell, Arthur Andrews [Scripps Foundation-Demographer](b. February 8, 1924) - Data Sheet 15. Campbell, Conrad E. 16. Campbell, Jeannette Helen [English/Education] (b. November 1, 1895)- Data Sheet 17. Campbell, Phyllis "Mama Jazz" - Obituaries 18. Campbell, Richard W. 19. Can, Fazli [Systems Analysis] - Publications 20. Cangialosi, Karen R. 21. Cann, Betsy 22. Cannon, Hugh 23. Cannon, Larry R. 24. Cantino, Philip D. 25. Cantrell, Joseph S. 26. Cantrell, Margaret 27. Capel, Charles E. 28. Caplan, Robert C. 29. Capretta, Patrick J. [Psychology] (b. November 2, 1929-September 29, 1982) - Memorial 30. Carels, Peter E. 31. Cargill, Jennifer 32. Carl, James D. 33. Carleton, Raymond C. 34. Carlin, Joseph 35. Carlisle, E. Fred 36. Carlson, Richard W. 37. Carlton, Caleb Henry 38. Carmichael, Dolores M. 39. Carney, Cindy K. 40. Carr, David E. 41. Carr, John William [University Center-Assistant Director](b. January 3, 1930) - Data Sheet 42. Carr, George K. 43. Carr, Max 44. Carrafiello, Michael L. 45. Carrell, Jeptha J. 46. Carroll, Celia G. 47. Carter, Albert Rose [Art] - Data Sheet 48. Carter, Alfred W. 49. Carter, Helen V. [Physiology](December 7, 1925) - Data Sheet 50. Carter, Henry H. 51. Carter, Paul E. 52. Carter, Roger Neil [Economics](b. September 25, 1932) - Data Sheet 53. Carter, Roscoe Owen 54. Carter, Ruth Hunter 55. Carter, Stewart A. 56. Carter, Thomas A. 57. Casey, James Harlan, Jr. [Intercollegiate Athletics](b. June 4, 1934) - Data Sheet 58. Cash, Eugene 59. Cashell, James 60. Cashman, Daniel Edward 61. Cassady, Carolyn 62. Cassell, Roger A. 63. Castillo, Guillermo 64. Castle, R. Woodrow 65. Castle, Warren James [Classics] (January 10, 1921) - Data Sheet 66. Castrillo, Louella [Zoology] 67. Cathcart, Annabel E. [Education/Critic Teacher](b. February 2, 1895) - Data Sheet 68. Caulwell, Thomas Dale 69. Caulkins, Hillier 70. Cawthorne, Delmar Richard [Economics](February 25, 1907-July 30, 1967) - Memorial; Data Sheet 71. Cecile, Robert E. 72. Cellarius, Charles F. [Miami Architect] (d. 1973) - News Obituary 73. Chabot, Christopher C. 74. Chace, Howard Lambert [Romance Languages](b. June 4, 1897) - Memorial; Data Sheet 75. Chait, Beatrice Faigelman [Education/Dayton, Supervisor of Student Teaching](b. June 18, 1915) - Data Sheet 76. Challis, A. James 77. Chamberlain, Richard H. [Music](b. March 3, 1918) - Data Sheet 78. Chamberlin, William B. 79. Chambers, Eugene D. 80. Champlin, Nathaniel L. 81. Chan, F. Gilbert 82. Chandler, Dewitt S. 83. Chandra, Gyan 84. Chang, Mrs. A 85. Chang, Luke L. Y. 86. Chapin, Henry C. 87. Chapman, Allen C. 88. Chapman, J. K. 89. Chapman, John M. 90. Chappars, Peter [English] - Data Sheet 91. Char, Anthony B. 92. Charles, Mabel Rogers [Bursar's Office-Assistant Cashier](b. February 21, 1902) - Data Sheet 93. Charske, Barbara E. 94. Chase, Clinton Irvin 95. Chawncey, Egisto Fabbri 96. Cheatham, Gene 97. Cheesebrough, Dean 98. Chen, Minghua 99. Chenault, Larry A. (September 15, 1949-November 1, 1992) - Memorial 100. Cheney, Robert S. 101. Childress, Karen 102. Childs, Harold F. 103. Chipurn, Tony 104. Chowdhary, Usha 105. Christensen, Jean Hulbert [Fisher Hall-Assistant Head] - Data Sheet 106. Christensen, Reo M. [Government](b. June 5, 1918) - Data Sheet 107. Christian, Alan [Zoology] 108. Christie, Robert 109. Christin, J. C. 110. Christman, P. C. 111. Christofferson, Halbert C. 112. Christenson, Julien M. 113. Christopher, William E. 114. Christopherson, Robert 115. Church, Jean D. 116. Church, Jo Ann Nelson 117. Church, Russell T. 118. Churchwell, Yvonne R. 119. Clampa, Robert F. 120. Clabaugh, Ann E. 121. Clapp, Gayle M. 122. Clardy, Charles R. 123. Claris, Amorette Weed 124. Clark, Hugh M. 125. Clark, Isabel 126. Clark, James D. 127. Clark, Jessie F. 128. Clark, Love Forrest 129. Clark, Margaret 130. Clark, Patricia A. 131. Clark, Richard A. 132. Clark, Willard Carol 133. Clark, William S. 134. Clarke, Allan Hugh 135. Clarke, Desmond 136. Clatterbuck, Glen W. 137. Claussen, Dennis [Zoology] 138. Clay, Thomas 139. Claybaugh, Joseph 140. Claytor, Randal P. 141. Cleland, David J. 142. Clements, Vicki M 143. Clements, W. H. 144. Clemons, Peg 145. Cleveland, Bonnie 146. Clifford, Garland 147. Clifford, Lee Miller 148. Clinton, Mariann 149. Cloonan, Theodore Frederick 150. Cloud, Lewis E. 151. Clow, James R. 152. Clubb, Merrel D. 153. Coakley, Thomas M. 154. Coates, Thomas Ripley 155. Cobbe, Thomas J. [Botany](b. July 18, 1918) - Data Sheet 156. Cocanougher, John Everett [Aeronautics] - Data Sheet 157. Cochran, Graham 158. Cohen, Matthew C.

Filing Cabinet 6 Col-Cy: 1. Colborn, Earl F. 2. Cole, Foster J. 1 3. Cole, Foster J. 2 4. Cole, Foster J. 3 5. Cole, Thomas R. 6. Coleman, John H. 7. Coleman, John S. 8. Coleman, Kathleen 9. Coles, Charlie 10. Collester, J. Bryan 11. Collier, Kathryn E. 12. Colligan, Michael J. 13. Collins, Joe 14. Collins, John 15. Collins, Joseph V. 16. Collins, Milton E. 17. Coltharp, Jerry 18. Colton, Robert E. 19. Colville, Jay E. 20. Condit, David A. 21. Cone, Adelia W. 22. Conger, Robert B. 23. Conley, Jerome 24. Conn, David 25. Connally, Ernest A. 26. Connaughton, Daniel Edward 27. Conrad, Arthur F. 28. Conway, Anna M. 29. Cook, Miss Elizabeth Sun 30. Cook, Marjorie Elizabeth 31. Cook, Ruth 32. Cook, Sterling D. Jr. 33. Cook, Terry E. 34. Cooke, Daniel L. 35. Coon, Tucker T. 36. Cooper, A.J. 37. Cooper, Alan 38. Cooper, Ken E. 39. Cooper, Ralph E. 40. Corbett, Sherry L. 41. Corcoran, Thomas H. 42. Cordea, Dr. James 43. Cordell, Joyce A. 44. Cordes, Alfred J. 45. Corl, Pearl M. 46. Cornelius, Wayne A. 47. Cornell, William F. 48. Corradini, Ronald H. 49. Corsale, Kathleen 50. Cortes, Dr. Louis J. 51. Coss, Arthur Fulton, 52. Costanzo, Jon P. 53. Cotterill, Philip G. 54. Cottrell, William Frederick 55. Covert, Emmerson Richard 56. Covert, Kent 57. Cowan, David 58. Cowdan, Carol R. 59. Cowgill, B.R. 60. Cowles, Virginia Powell 61. Cox, Dail W. 62. Cox, Donald C. 63. Cox, Edward F. 64. Cox, Joe 65. Cox, Ronald H. 66. Cozza, Carmen Louis 67. Craig, Steven 68. Crain, Charles Robert 69. Cramer, M. Ward 70. Crannell, Clarke W. 71. Cranshaw, Dennis B. 72. Craven, Stephen M. 73. Craver, Arthur W. 74. Crawford, F. Stuart 75. Crawford, Margaret Henderson 76. Crawford, Nolan Gale 77. Creamer, David K. 78. Crell, Carl 79. Crell, Nancy 80. Cress, Carl C. 81. Crim, Kenneth J. 82. Crisci, Pat 83. Crist, Esther Rodgers 84. Cromer, Rodger 85. Crosby, Percy 86. Crosby, Richard 87. Cross, Mark 88. Cross, Ralph R. 89. Cross, Theodore R. 90. Crosswhite, Carl E. 91. Crowe, Shelby 92. Crowell, Sears 93. Croxall, John R. 94. Croyle, Corydon A. 95. Crum, Dick M. 96. Crutcher, Ronald 97. Cruver, Marion H. 98. Culbertson, Thomas S. 99. Cullen, Jean Therese 100. Culler, Joseph A. 101. Cummings, Elizabeth 102. Cummings, William D. 103. Cummings, Winford C. Jr. 104. Cummins, Robert 105. Cunningham, Dan 106. Cunningham, Jerry L. 107. Cunningham, Kenneth 108. Cunningham, Warren 109. Curcuru, Edmond H. 110. Curry, Crossan H. 111. Curry, Robert P. 112. Curtis, Arthur E. 113. Curtis, Arthur W. 114. Curtis, Henry R. 115. Cyman, Mario 116. Cymrot, Donald J.

Filing Cabinet 7 Da-Dev: 1. DaCruz, Daniel [Romance Languages] (1880-December 1966) - Memorial; Data Sheet 2. Dagenais, James J. (1923- ) - Memorial 3. Dahoda, Peter [Art Education] (b. February 2, 1922) - Data Sheet 4. Daiker, Donald A. 5. Daily, Catherine M. 6. Daly, George 7. Daly, Patricia 8. Damanti, John F. 9. Damm, Robert F. 10. Danel, Lucienne 11. Daniel, Douglass K. 12. Daniel, Michael C. 13. Daniel, Paul M. 14. Daniels, Keith Byron [Physics](October 15, 1931) - Data Sheet 15. Daniels, Harold M. 16. Daniels, Roger 17. Danielson, Neil O. 18. Dantley, Michael 19. Da Polito, Frank 20. Darbyshire, W. Lynn 21. Darst, Anna Lois [Women's Affairs] (b. September 19, 1930) - Data Sheet 22. Darst, Warren 23. Daugherty, Jack E. 24. Daugherty, John [Botany] - Publication 25. Dauterich, Edward 26. DíAurelio, Guy Jr. 27. Dautermann, Jennie [English] - News Clip with Photo 28. Davenport, John S. 29. Davidge, Leann Grimes (d. 1985) - Memorial 30. Davidson, Evelyn C. 31. Davis, Ann 32. Davis, Benjamin Marshall - Memorial 33. Davis, Chester Linkel [Audio-Visual Services-Photographer] - (b. May 22, 1919) - Data Sheet 34. Davis, Don 35. Davis, G. Roger [Music]--News Clips 36. Davis, George [Economics] - News Clip with Photo 37. Davis, Harry Floyd [Mathematics] (b. October 2, 1925) - Data Sheet 38. Davis, Henry A. 39. Davis, James 40. Davis, Jennie 41. Davis, John A. 42. Davis, Jeryl R. 43. Davis, Joyce 44. Davis, Phil 45. Davis, Philip Harvey 46. {Memoirs of a Small Town Boy Vol. I and II} 47. Davis, Scott A. [Zoology] - Publication 48. Davis, Sheldon W. 49. Davis, Thomas S. 50. Davis, Willis Bing 51. Davis, W. Middleton 52. Davison, David D. 53. Day, Stephen M. 54. Deal, Evelyn F. 55. Deam, William Luther [Speech] - Data Sheet 56. Dean, Elizabeth 57. Dean, Maria L. 58. Deaux, Kay K. 59. DeBrosse, Kenneth Lawrence [Physics] - Data Sheet 60. Deckhart, Robert W. 61. Deeter, Ethel 62. Deevers, Chris P. 63. DeFranco, Jay A. 64. DeGroot, George Lewis 65. DeGross, Robert Lawrence 66. DeJong, D.C.D 67. DeJovine, F. Anthony 68. DeLancey, Robert Edmond 69. Delapp, Robert A. 70. Delattre, Roland A. 71. Della-Piana, Gabriel M. 72. DeLeone, Carmen 73. Delp, Richard Thomson [English](b. April 9, 1914) - Data Sheet 74. Del Popolo, Joseph 75. De Luce, Judith 76. DeMao, Victoria L. 77. DeMar, Richard F. [Mathematics](b. March 27, 1924) - Data Sheet 78. Deming, Robert H. 79. DeMoor, Willem 80. Demorest, Don L. 81. Demske, Edward [Vice President for Finance and Business Affairs] 82. Denham, James G. [English](September 11, 1922-April 20, 1987) - Memorial; Data Sheet 83. Denham, Julia R. [Physical Education] - Data Sheet 84. Dennick-Ream, Zene 85. Dennison, Jackson Belden [Finance](April 5, 1891-December 27, 1959) - Memorial; Data Sheet 86. Dent, Cathy 87. Dent, Oran B. 88. Deonier, D.L. 89. Deppen, William C. 90. Derr, Phaon 91. Desai, Harsha B. 92. de Saint-Rat, Andre Lionel [History/Russian](b. August 20, 1918-March 2001) - Data Sheet; Publication; Correspondence; Memorial 93. de Saint-Rat, Catherine 94. deSchepper, Susan C. 95. Desmangles, Leslie 96. DeTemple, David J. 97. Detmer, Paul 98. Devdas, Nalini Davanandan 99. DeVilllez, E.J. 100. Devine, Fardy

Filing Cabinet 8 Dev-Ech: 1. Devine, John 2. DeVines, Paul L. 3. DeVito, Jill 4. Dew, Marjorie 5. DeWine, James M. 6. DeWitt, Lawrence 7. Diamond, Stephen A. [Zoology] - Publications (articles) 8. Dickerson, James C. 9. Dickey, David A. 10. Dickey, Lester 11. Dickinson, John N. (d. April 22, 1986) - Memorial 12. Dickson, Jesse 13. DiDomenico, Lucille 14. Diehl, T. Handley 15. Diendl, James P. 16. Dietz, Brett A. 17. Dietz, Paul 18. Dietzel, Paul 19. Dietz, Rowland 20. Dill, David L. 21. Dillon, Terry D. 22. Ding, Gar Gay 23. Dinkelacker, Stephen A. 24. Dinsmore, Hayward Robert 25. DiPalma, Gerald 26. Distel, Christopher A. 27. Distler, George 28. Ditmer, Merlin Ammon [Physical Education](April 9, 1886-March 10, 1950) - Memorial; Data Sheet 29. Ditmore, Joan 30. Dix, Ernest Sanford [Geography](b. June 4, 1919) - Data Sheet. 31. Dixon, Phyllis L. 32. Doan, William C. 33. Dockendorff, Thomas C. [Zoology] - Publications 34. Dockum, Clarence R. 35. Dodd, Barbara Latimer [Women's Affairs](b. May 3, 1931) - Data Sheet 36. Doepper, Paul Werner [German](b. November 26, 1910) - Data Sheet 37. Dolibois, John 38. Dolibois, Michael 39. Dolphin, Robert 40. Domb, W. Edwin 41. Dome, Grace Clapp [Social Director](May 12, 1908) - Data Sheet 42. Dome, John Edward [Aeronautics/Audio-Visual Service-Director](January 23, 1915) - Data Sheet 43. Domet, Michael A. [Zoology] - Publication 44. Dommel, Robyn A. [Zoology] - Publication 45. Donaldson, Mary Alice 46. Donbar, Robert M. [Bursar's Office](b. May 6, 1928) - Data Sheet 47. Donnell, Richard Stover [English](December 10, 1926-1986) - Memorial; Data Sheet_ 48. Donnelly, James C. 49. Doran, Robert W. 50. Dorbis, John 51. Dorfman, Mark S. 52. Dorn, Jacob H. 53. Dorsey, Cynthia Forrest 54. Dorsey, James M. 55. Dougherty, Ronald C. 56. Dougherty, Ronald 57. Douglas, Louis H. 58. Douglass, Thomas E. 59. Doukas, John A. (February 2, 1926-January 10, 1974) - Memorial 60. Downes, L.W. 61. Downs, B.D. 62. Doyen, Sally E. 63. Dratz, Eva M. 64. Dreher, Barbara B. 65. Drenk, Dean 66. Dreyer, June T. 67. Drill, Dorothy [Residence Hall Head](b,. May 28, 1904) - Data Sheet 68. Drill, Edna 69. Driscoll, Mary M. 70. Druesdow, Jean L. 71. Druesdow, John 72. Dry, Carolyn 73. Duan, Yihao [Zoology] 74. Dubois, Mary 75. DuBois, William R. 76. DuCharme, Lillian Elaine [Associate Dean of Women](b. June 17, 1925) - Data Sheet 77. Duerkson, Ronald A. 78. Duff, Franklin 79. Duff, O. Lee 80. Duffy, Charles 81. Duggan, Michael J. 82. Dugger, Robert W. 83. Duke, Stephen O. 84. Dukes, Reese 85. Duley, Matthew L. 86. Dulgarian, Martin 87. Dull, Guerry (Dell) Kimbrough [Crtitic Teacher](b. March 5, 1930) - Data Sheet 88. Dull, James Edward [Men's Affairs](b. April 18, 1928) - Data Sheet 89. Dunbar, Donald J. 90. Dunbar, John R. 91. Dunbar, Robert Edmond 92. Dunbar, William McLeish [Architecture] - Data Sheet 93. Dunbar, William 94. Duncan, Dorothy Runyon [English](May 5, 1906) - Data Sheet 95. Duncan, Richard L. 96. Dunlap, Loyd 97. Dunlap, Michael 98. Dunlop, Michael 99. Dunn, C.L. 100. Dunn, Josephine Joy [McGuffey School/Library](b. January 9, 1913-August 11, 1995) - Data Sheet; Memorial 101. Dunn, Paul H. 102. Dunn, Thomas P. 103. Dupree, Huntley 104. Durfee, Max Leo Data Sheet 105. Duricy, Daniel 106. Durrell, Jane [Personal Secretary to the President](b. October 13, 1927) - Data Sheet 107. Dutton, Ruth Clity 108. Dyler, Franklin B. 109. Eachus, Herbert T. 110. Eardley, Anthony 111. Earl, Robert D. 112. Earls, Michael W. 113. Easling, Kathleen Ardis [Education-Critic Teacher](b. December 20, 1916) - Data Sheet 114. Easton, Robert Lavern [Art] 115. Eaton, William R. 116. Ebaugh, Cameron D 117. Ebbert, Mercedes A. [Zoology] 118. Echard, William Earl [History] (b. March 5, 1931) - Data Sheet 119. Echols, Gordon


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3910 Folders

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Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio


Faculty; Faculty Files; Faculty Files of Miami University; 1968-2015; [20A-B-3A]; Box 7

Berreth, David S. Art Museum Director Berry, Chris Nursing Berry, Eddye Pierce Music Berry, Emily Director of Annual Giving Berry, Jhan Director of Student Retention and Diverse Student Success Berry, Robert E. Economics Berry, Stephen D. Psychology Bersani, Henry “Hank” Educational Psychology Best, Phillip J. Psychology Betten, Cornelius Paper Science and Engineering Bever, James E. Geology Beyer, Teresa English Bhattacharjee, Jnanendra K. Microbiology Bilich, Amy Morse Nursing Binder, David Academic Affairs Biran, Mia Weinberger Psychology Birch, Elizabeth Art Birch, John Engineering Technology Bischof, Deborah A. Applied Research Bissett, Judith I. Spanish and Portuguese Bjornerud, Marcia Geology Black, Dwight “Cleve” Custodian Black, James A. Management Black, Joseph E. Government Blackwell, Will H., Jr. Botany Blaich, Amy Nursing Blaisdell, Muriel L. Interdisciplinary Studies Blake, Mariann Assistant Director Alumni Affairs Blake, Robert J. Admissions Blankenship, Lisa English Blanning, Howard Theatre Blessing, Brenda K. Health, Physical Education, and Sport studies Bloch, Janel Accountancy Block, Lisa Teacher Education Blomquist, William Theodore Management, Former Associate Dean of Business Administration, Former M.B.A. Program Director Bloom, G. Melvin Mathematics Blubaugh, Elmo Chemistry Blue, Jennifer Physics Blue, Kim Minority Affairs Boardman, Mark Geology (3) Bobonich, Gregory Miami University Foundation Bodenham, Ruth Education Boen, Donna J. News Bureau Boesel, Marion Waterman Zoology Bogan, Aaron Mathematics & Statistics Bogan, Jane E. Educational Psychology Bogard, Kenneth Registrar Boge, Claire L. Music Boggess, Laurence Educational Leadership Boggs, Robert E. Accounting Bogner, C. Neale Dean of Education and Allied Professions Bohlen, Sharon English Bohn, Elwood Mathematics and Statistics Bol, Jan Willem Marketing Bolger, Philip Colin Criminal Justice Bolon, Donald S. Management Bolton, Carolyn Nursing Bonham, Mary Benedict Architecture and Interior Design Booch, Jack V. Theatre Boone, Michelle Zoology Booth, Newell S., Jr. Religion Borchers, John C. Business Technology

Repository Details

Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository
