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Plans, 1908 - 1996

 Sub-Group — Multiple Containers


Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University Campus. Sewer, Water, Electric Lines [on linen]; 1930? Rolled

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University, Plan Showing Campus ; 1921; Box 1 [1R-D-3] Rolled in tube

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Rolled Maps and Plans; 1938-49; Box 1 [1R-D-41] Rolled in tube: 1. Miami University Campus Plan Cellarius (1938) 2. Miami University Central Quadrangle, Preliminary Study for Planting and Removal of Trees (1938); 3. Proposed Layout for the Vicinity of Men's Dormitory #2 (1945); 4. Location and Grading Plan--Logan Lodge, Wells Hall, Hueston House; Boys' Dorm, No.2, Plantings (1949) 5. Planting Plan for Boys Dormitory #2 (January 10, 1949)

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miscellaneous Plans and Maps; 1934-41, and undated; Box 1 [1R-D-3] Contents: 1. Campus Map (c1934) 2. McGuffey Memorial, Revised Plan (December 12, 1942); Walk Layout (May 10, 1941) 3. Study for Tower Court (March 8, 1938)

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miscellaneous Plans and Maps; 1941, 1950; Box 2 [1R-D-3] Contents: 1. Gateway to the Long Diagonal Walk. Plan for Relocation. Donald B. Johnston, Landscape Architect [tracing on tissue] (November 1941) 2. Fisher Hall. Fire Escapes and West Side (1950)

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miscellaneous Maps and Plans; 1908-83; Box 3 [1R-D-1] Contents: 1. Campus Lighting Plan (1927) 2. Blueprints: 1. Development Plan for Central Campus (April 15, 1947); 2. Present Central Campus (March 4, 1947) 3. Map of Oxford Ohio, Showing System of Sewers. Riggs and Sherman, Engineers (Rev., 1908) 4. Blanchard House, Fire Escape (1949) 5. Blueprint: Miami University Survey and Plan (August 6, 1948) 6. Plan of the Village of Oxford Showing Water and Sewer Lines, Electric Lights, Property Lines, and Contours (March 1, 1922) 7. Plan for the Central Quadrangle and East Half of Main Campus (July 18, 1957; rev. September 26, 1957) 8. Off-Campus Enrollments in State Universities. Interuniversity Council of Council (October 1963)

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miscellaneous Plans and Architect's Sketches; 1930-96 and undated; Box 1 Contents: 1. Peffer Park Entrance [Sketch] (n.d.) 2. Havighurst Hall - West Elevation [Sketch] (11/1/1980)' 3. Havighurst Hall - East Elevation [Sketrch] (11/1/1980) 4. Proposed Fraternity House Development, Charles F. Cellarius [2 sketches](4/10/1930) 5. Science and Research Building, Charles F. Cellarius [5 sketches] (2/21/1942) 6. Sketch of West Elevation, Proposed Women's Dormitory No. 2, [Future Richard Hall?] John F. Scooley/Charles Cellarius (June 10, 1939) 7. Sketch of North Elevation, Women's Dormitory, No. 3 (1942) 8. Alumni Hall Addition [Sketch] {n.d.} 9. Sketch Study of Power House , Stores, and Maintenance [Future Gaskill Hall?], D. B Johnston (10/16/1939) 10. Sketch of Industrial Education and Power Plant from Spring St. [Future Culler Hall?] Charles Cellarius (5/13/1948) 11. Sketches of East Elevation, South Elevation, First Floor Plan, Basement Floor Plan, The Reading Room for Miami University [Alumni Hall], H. H. Heistand (n.d.) 12. Sketches of First Floor Plan, Second Floor Plan, Third Floor Plan, Basement, Scheme 6, Reconstruction of Harrison Hall, Cellarius and Himler (11/8/1957) 13. Sketches of First Floor Plan, Second Floor Plan, Third Floor Plan, Basement, Reconstruction of Harrison Hall, Cellarius and Hilmer (9/26/1957) 14. Decorating Schedule of Reconstruction of Harrison Hall, Cellarius and Hillmer (9/18/1959; rev/ 10/28/1959) 15. Sketch of Fine Arts Building, Charles Cellarius (3/2/1956) 16. Revised West View, Fine Arts Building, Cellarius and Hilmer (6/11/1956) 17. Sketches of Basement, First Floor, Second Floor, Third Floor, Section Looking South, Harrison Hall, Charles Cellarius (3/31/1944) 18. Sketches of North Eevation, East End, West End, South Elevation, Study for Administration Building, Charles Cellarius (12/22/1953) [2 copies] 19. Sketch and Plan, Proposed Campus Entrance from Patterson Avenue [Bishop Circle Gates], Cellarius and Hilmer (9/27/1957) 20. Sketch of Reconstruction of Harrison Hall, Cellarius and Hilmer (11/1957) *additional prints (1969) sent from poli sci 21. Sketch of Reconstruction of Harrison Hall, Schemes A, B, C, Cellarius and Hilmer (11/1957) 22. Sketches of Front Elevation, Side Elevation, First Floor Plan, Second Floor Plan, Basement Floor Plan, Exterior, Normal School, Oxford, Ohio, Gustave Drach (n.d.) 23. Plans for Golf Course (n.d.) 24. Sketch and Plans of Proposed Residence Hall No. 18 [Havighurst Hall], Cellarius and Hilmer (10/18/1967) 25. Sketch of Development of North Campus, Cellarius and Hilmer (12/3/1962) 26. Fisher Hall Sketch, donated by Tom Huff, published in the Hamilton Journal News 7/15/1973 27. Sketches of Sports Recreation Center, WAM Architectural Illustration (1996) [3 sketches] 28. Plans and Sketches of Alumni Hall Rennovation (1997) 29. Specs, pictures and plans of Havighurst Special Collections Library Renovation (2007) 30. Addition to Library Bookstacks(3/3/1958) 31. Proposed Library Addition to Miami University -DWG No. 01325 (n.d.) 32. Addition to Existing Bookstacks--New 4th and 5th Tiers, Library (3/17/1948) 33. Free Standing Metal Bookstacks, Library (3/19/1948) 34. New Book Stacks, Miami University (May 1948) 35. Book Lift, Miami University Library (June-July 1948)

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Western College Alumnae Hall: Specifications, Construction, Architect's Drawings; Box 1 [12A-E-1A]

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Peabody Hall Renovation Drawings; 1994 State architect. Not Indexed

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Western College: New Alumni Building; Box 1 [1R-D-1] Rolled

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Western College Maps and Plans; Box 1 [16A-J-1] Not Indexed

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University Plans for Campus Development [10 sheets]; 1944-67; Box 1 [1R-D-1] Rolled

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Library; King Library: Phase 2; Box 1 [1R-D-1] Stockwell Design Associates

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Library; King Library: Phase 2; 1970; Box 2 [1R-D-1]

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Library; King Library Plans; Box 3 [1R-D-1] Stockwell Design Associates.

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Addition to Undergraduate Library. Miami University; 1965; Box 4 [1R-D-1] State of Ohio.Department of Public Works

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Library; Science Library Plans; Box 5 [1R-D-1] Dalton, van Dijk, Johnson

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Library; Science Library Plans; 1976; Box 6 [1R-D-1]

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Library; Miscellaneous Library Plans; Box 7 [1R-D-1] Contents: 1. King Library. Phase 2. Site Plan 2. Hughes Science Library Plans. Stockwell Design Associates 3. Telephone Plan. Stockwell Design Associates 4. Toilet and Stair Plans 5. Library Plans "B". Stockwell Design Associates

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Library; Miscellaneous Library Plans; 1970-75; Box 8 [1R-D-1] Contents: 1. Additions to Library. Chemistry Building. (April 28, 1975) [2] 2. King Library, Phase 2. State of Ohio. Department of Public Works (1970) [2] 3. King Library, Phase 2. Stockwell Design Associates (February 14, 1972)

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Library; Miscellaneous Library Plans; 1972-75; Box 9 [1R-D-1] Contents: 1. Library Plans. Stockwell Design Associates 2. King Library, Phase 2. Stockwell Design Associates 3. King Library, Phase 2. Moveable Equipment Layout. Stockwell Design Associates. (February 1972) 4. Addition to Library. Chemistry Building. Dalton, Van Dijk, Johnson. (April 28, 1975)

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Dayton Campus of the Miami University/The Ohio State University Lorenz and Williams, Architects and Engineers [6 sheets]; 1964; Box 1 [1R-D-1] Rolled

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University Campus: Maps, Plans, and Architectural Drawings [MC2-5] Rolls: 1. Fisher Hall Remodeling. Floor Plans, Sewage, Heating, Plumbing, Electricity (1926); Kitchen (1927) [13 sheets] 2. Oxford Retreat Property (Fisher Hall) (n.d., probably before 1928) [3 sheets-tracings; 3 sheets reproduced from the tracings] 3. Oxford, Ohio, Plans for the Enlargement of the Sewage Disposal Plant. J. S. Blickensderfer, Civil Engineer (September 1923) 4. Fisher Hall. New Boys' Dorm Planting Plan (November 30, 1939) 5. Fisher Hall Restoration and Remodeling Plan (December 5, 1975) 6. Fisher Hall Boiler House. Remodeling Drawings (November 20, 1971) [8 sheets]_ 7. Fisher Hall Restoration and Remodeling. Cellarius and Hilmer Architects. Basic Drawings (July 20, 1973) [10 sheets] 8. Fisher Hall and Adjacent Buildings. Demolition. Physical Plant Department, Miami University (May 26, 1978) 9. New Freshman Dorm (Swing Hall). Proposed Concrete Work (ca. 1935) 10. Miami University Landscaping Plan. Main Campus Only. Donald B. Johnston, Landscape Architect (January 1940) 11. Girls' New Residence Quad. Sketches for Outlook and Entrance. D. B. Johnston, Architect (October 16, 1969) 12. Science and Research Building. Plans for Grading and Walks in Vicinity of the First (West) Unit. Donald B. Johnston, Architect (July 10, 1942) [blueprint] 13. Art and Music, Temporary Building. Charles Cellarius, Architect. Blueprint (September 4, 1947) 14. Upham Hall Plantin g Plan. D. B. Johnston, Architect (January 12, 1949) [tracing on tissue] 15. Logan Lodge, Landscape Plans in re Wells Hall. Donald B. Johnston, Architect (January 9, 1949) 16. Billings Natatorium. 3rd Worksheet Showing Grading, Proposed Contours and Tree Preservation. David B. Johnston, Landscape Architect (August 10, 1949) 17. Blanchard House (Oxford College) Fire Escapes (1950) 18. Round Hill Conference Center. Alterations. Steed and Hammond, Architects (November 18, 1959) 19. Miami University Campus, Showing Vegetation and Planting. 56 Acres divided into "Chains" (October 1902) 20. Miami University Campus Plan (July 24, 1929 rev.); (August 30, 1939 rev.)

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University Campus: Maps, Plans, Architectural Drawings, and Photos [MC2-6] Rolls: 1. Site Plan, John D. Millett Assembly Hall for Miami University. James E. Allan, Architect-Engineer; Walter F. Manion, Consulting Engineer for Structural Division (n.d.) 2. Ohio School Districts Map (December 1965; Revised 1966) 3. Floor Plans, Mr. Corson, Oxford, Ohio (n.d.) 4. Charts Outlining Activities during North Central Association of Colleges and Universities Visit to Miami (February 25-27, 1985) 5. Proposed Campus Entrance from Pattison Avenue, Miami University (Bishop Gates). Cellarius and Hilmer, Architects (September 27, 1957) 6. Harrison Hall, Plans for Reconstruction. Cellarius and Hilmer, Architects (1944, 1957) 7. Fisher Hall Renovation Plans (1928; 1942-Basement; 1973) 8. McMaster Hall Modifications. (Removal of Partitions) (January 8, 1973) 9. Miami University, Plans for Construction of Buildings Between Maple Street and Patterson Ave. Blueprints by State Architect (1955; 1965) 10. Benton Hall Stage Plan (191-?)[7 copies] 11. 1928 Miami Class (10/1928)

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University Campus: Maps, Plans, and Architectural Drawings [MC2-7] Rolls: 1. Student Union Building, Possible Sites. Charles Cellarius, Architect (August 18, 1933) 2. Dormitory for Civilian Pilot Training Students. State Architect. Blueprint (August 1942) [7 sheets] 3. Veterans' Temporary Housing. Suggestions for Grading and Drainage, Electric Sewer, Water, Gas, and Utilities. United States Public Housing Authority (November 15, 1946) [5 sheets] 4. Temporary Buildings. Proposed Sites and Floor Plans: Architecture, Firing Range, Faculty Offices, Physical Therapy, Meteorology, Radio Station (November 1946) [14 sheets-blueprints] 5. Millett Hall. James E. Allen Architect. (July 28, 1959) [13 sheets] 6. Miami University Construction Progress (April 30, 1968) [chart] 7. David Becker House, 322 E. High Street. Architectural Plans (November 10-December 2, 1973) [10 sheets] 8. O.T. Corson House, Corner of Patterson and Route 73. (Present Site of Bachelor Hall) Remodelling Plans. David B, Maxfield, Architect (August 29, 1974) 9. Miami University, Proposed Housing Development. J. Paul Albert, Civil Engineer and Surveyor (1945) [map]

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University/Oxford Area: Maps, Plans, and Blueprints [MC2-8] Maps: 1. North Central Association of Colleges and Universities, Flow Chart of Activities During Visit to Miami (February 25-27, 1985) 2. Campus Plan, Accessible Buildings and Parking Facilities for the Physically Handicapped, Physical Plant Department, Miami University (Revised July 28, 1983; revised February 1, 1983) 3. Campus Plan, Physical Plant Department, Miami University (Revised January 15, 1985) 4. Map of Oxford Area, showing property lines [By David Jones 1952?] 5. Topographic map of Oxford Area showing elevations 6. Miami University Campus Plan, Cellarius and Hilmer, Architects (1956; revised December 1957) 7. Miami University Campus Map, Showing Suggested Site for New University Power Plant (n.d.) 8. Miami University Campus Map, Showing Existing Coal Yards (n.d.)

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University Campus. George E. Kessler, Landscape Architect; 1913 Rolled and wrapped

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami Plans; Box 60 [18A-C-5C]! Rolls: 1. Miami University, Middletown Campus. Dave Finkelman Auditorium, State Approved Set of Specifications 2. Miami University, Middletown Campus. S. P. Joseph's Office Paper Work

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University, Middletown Campus. Dave Finkelman Auditorium, As Built Set of Prints Rolled

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University, Middletown Campus. Classroom and Library Building Shop Drawings Rolled and wrapped

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University, Middletown Campus. Shop Rolled and wrapped

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University, Middletown Campus. Site Development, 1st Submission, Office Set of Prints Rolled and wrapped

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University, Middletown Campus. Dave Finkelman Auditorium Structural Shop Drawings Rolled and wrapped. Comm. No. 1342

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University, Middletown Campus. Prints Rolled and wrapped. Comm. No. 1324.

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University, Middletown Campus. Classroom and Library Building. Shop Drawings Rolled and wrapped

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University, Middletown Campus. Classroom and Library Building. Shop Drawings Rolled and wrapped

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University, Middletown Campus. Dave Finkelman Auditorium. State Approved Set Rolled and wrapped

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University, Middletown Campus. Dave Finkelman Auditorium. State Approved Plumbing Rolled and wrapped. 1 set and addendums

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University, Middletown Campus. Site, Clasroom, and Library Building. Preliminaries Rolled and wrapped

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University, Middletown Campus. Classroom and Library Buildings/ Structural and Architectural. Approved and Signed by the State of Ohio Roleld and wrapped

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University, Middletown Campus. Dave Finkelman Auditorium. Plans Rolled

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University, Middletown Campus. Library Building, Preliminary Prints; 1964 Rolled

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University, Middletown Campus. Dave Finkelman Auditorium, Set of Mechanical Prints Roleld

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University, Middletown Campus. State Approved Set of Prelims Rolled

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University, Middletown Campus. Check Set of Prints. Comm. No. 1334 Rolled

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University, Middletown Campus. Dave Finkelman Auditorium. Prints and Addendum Approved by State Architect Rolled

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miami University, Middletown Campus. Mechanical Prints and Specs. Approved by State Board of Health Rolled

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Miscellaneous Oversize and Encapsulated Materials; 1853-1981; Box 1 Contents: 1. The United States and Territories in 1839 when Beta Theta Pi was established (n.d.) [Encapsulated map] 2. "Miami University Selects Dr A. H. Upham, a Miami Son, Now President of the University of Idaho, to Succeed President Hughes [encapsulated news clip?] (1927) 3. Seating Chart, "The Occasion of te Inauguration of Paul G. Pearson as President of Miami University on October 16, 1981 4. Faculty Procession - "The Occasion of the Inauguration of Paul G. Pearson as President of Miami University on October 16, 1981" 5. "Record of Land and Property Purchases by Miami University in Area South of Spring Street, June 1, 1913-August 1, 1929" 6. "Resolutions adopted by the Senate of Miami University o the resignation of President Benton (June 1911) [Encapsulated] 7. Appointment Certificates of Stanley McKie to the Miami Board of Trustees (1953-74)[4 encapsulated sheets]; Admission Certificate for Stanley McKie to the Syrian Temple of Cincinnati (May 20, 1922) 8. The Miami Pow-Wow (August 3, 1925) [encapsulated] Encapsulated Materials received with the Robert Schenck Collection 9. "Dayton Was Always on Firing Line," Dayton Daily News (n.d.) 10. "General Butler" The Nation (n.d.) 11. Ortiz Land and Mineral Company Flyer (n.d.) 12. Jornal Do Commercio (August 29, 1853) 13. New York Daily News (May 2, 1864) 14. The Daily Globe (May 9, 1864) 15. The Laporte Union (February 8, 1865) 16. New England Loyal Publication Society (August 15, 1868) 17. "General George H,. Gordon's Speech at Salem," Salem Gazette. Supplement (October 20, 1868) 18. Railroad Record Extra (December 10, 1868) 19. North Carolina Standard (February 4, 1869) 20. Dayton Daily Journal (June 12, 1869) 21. National Republican (October 26, 1869) 22. New York Daily Tribune (February 23, 1870) 23. Harper's Weekly (January 28, 1871) 24. "Wind Blew, Snow Fell... A Portrait was Painted," Dayton Journal Herald (February 23, 1952) 25. "Lincoln's Body inh Ohio--On Dark Day," Cincinnati Enquirer (April 13, 1959) 26. "Dayton's Dedcated Diplomat," Camerica (November 15, 1959) 27. "Daytonians Keep Campfires of Civil War Burning," Dayton Daily News (February 19, 1962) 28. Dayton Journal Herald (February 18, 1963)

Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Plans; Proposed Museum Building (Development of the Bishop Property), Cellarius and Hilmer, April 1954, perspective drawings and plans [4 sheets] Alumni Library addition, circa 1922, perspective drawing [1 sheet] Alumni Library reading room addition, H. H. Hiestand, pre-1922, elevations and plans [4 sheets]


  • Majority of material found within 1908 - 1996

Conditions Governing Access

Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.

Conditions Governing Use

Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.


26 Items

22 Boxes

Language of Materials


Physical Location

Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio

Repository Details

Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository
